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Everything posted by baba.runner

  1. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta 4

    Just some Stats. No problem until now with the beta 4 release.. Great job ;)
  2. ADL Search bug

    Do not be ashamed!! I thought you were just testing us I also did not think to that option to be checked . :D
  3. [BUG][0.4.0-1.0.0] There is not enough space on disk

    Do not forget to change the settings for your temp-folder and your download folder in the Apex settings :blushing:
  4. Released: ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta 4

    Great job Dev-Team No crash till today
  5. List of requests

    For me it works fine. When the same user in the other hub has an free slot I can download a second file or section of a file from him Make a RightClick into a free place in the Mainchat, there you have an option to clear the Chat KR. baba.runner
  6. [BUG][0.4.0-1.0.0] There is not enough space on disk

    Hi, have you ever heard something about FAT32 and NTFS? That is how your HDDs are formatted if they are FAT32 then it is quit normal that you could not get a file bigger then 4GB. in NTFS, there is no limit to 4GB for one file, the limit is (I think) 16TB for one file. KR baba.runner
  7. ADL Search bug

    Did you check the RAW in the 4 places: Settings , once in the action-window and once in the RAW-window. Same in favorit hubs. Please see the attachements Only then you can assign it in the ADL search. I'm using some RAWS in the ADL search and they all work fine
  8. annoying bug :|

    Hi Could it be that your default directory is also your temp directory? Becaus then it could be that your E: HDD has no free memory and then the files are kept in temp-folder, when there is enough space there.
  9. AML 3.02

    Hi Toast I wanted to register in your forum but it failed to send me the email, I got this I wanted to register to post an unkown AML profile :thumbsup:
  10. AML ADL Files

    Hey that's great Stuff!! Thanks a lot for posting it to us!
  11. Chat supress switch at favhub properties

    Why not putting a checkbox under the mainchat itself? Like it is made for the userlist.
  12. How to install and use raw commands [Old style]

    If you use my RAW, how can you get the german text in the message?
  13. How to install and use raw commands [Old style]

    I use this one and it works fine $To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> You are being kicked because: %[userCS]|<%[myNI]> !kick %[userNI] %[userCS]| Lizard try your RAW with the english text! Please! And let us know the result! I also tried once with the german text, but it did not work too!
  14. How to prevent sharing unpacked contents?

    The only thing you perhaps can do is with ADLSearch. Where the condition is that the file can not be greater then a certain value. If it is greater, the user will be warned or kicked. Or ask in an other forum (the one of Ptokax or YnHub) for a script that you will insert into your Hubsoftware!
  15. How to install and use raw commands [Old style]

    Hi all Is there a difference if you use it on a PtokaX or YnHub?
  16. Unable to connect to hubs

    What about your Firewall, perhaps. Do you have to reconfigure it ?
  17. Unable to connect to hubs

    ? Do you already have tried to re-install ApexDC++ to an other folder and copy your settings folder from previous ApexDC++ insatllation into the new folder?
  18. Downloads stall

    Did you already check how big the file is and what format your HDD is. FAT or FAT32 or NTFS?
  19. ApexDC++ OP

    Hi everyone I have just one little question regarding the OP-version of ApexDC++! Why do you not work together with other developpers? I know that zk++ Black Edition or OP-edition will be based on ApexDC++! So why do you not work together to get a real good OP-version with ApexDC++ core? That would be a great experience! Or am I wrong? Regards. Baba.runner
  20. Raw Stuff

    why not trying the search functionnality?? Use RAW commands as what to search!! but here some help: Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4
  21. ApexDC internet Site

    Hi all is that just a joke or has it really been hacked. ApexDC Home
  22. Status: Where is my Beta 3?

    The new Design looks more professional now. Great job. :)
  23. How to install and use raw commands [Old style]

    UUPS yes you're right noctis I put the pipe on the wrong place Thanks for the hint!! No Zlobomir your raw is working fine with the missing pipe :)
  24. How to install and use raw commands [Old style]

    Thanks again Noctis! But I found a little error in your codes $To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> !kick %[userNI] %[userCS]| There is a pipe missing. As you wrote by yourself after each RAW-command there has to be a pipe. So the code should be $To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]>| !kick %[userNI] %[userCS]|
  25. AML 3.0

    sry I read it the wrong way :)