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Posts posted by vidor

  1. I was waiting and waiting and waiting :D for the new beta with this minor features,but no luck :(

    I`m not bumping just want to ask did you forget about this ? I know it`s not a important feature, but I really want to show off with my new gear :thumbsup:

  2. Desilo mi se da posle restartovanja racunara DC++ mi je izgubio favorite usere i favorite HUB-ove i nikako nisam uspeo da ga povratim.

    Da li postoji mogucnost da se vrati sve na staro ili mi ne gine nova instalacija i podesavanje iz pocetka.


    Pogledaj da li uopste imas favorite.xml i users.xml fileove,otvori ih nekim tekst editorom i baci pogled...ako su prazni onda ti ne gine ponovo podesavanje svega.

    Nova instalacija nije potrebna posto kada startujes program onda se stvore svi ti fajlovi.

    Trebalo bi da su ti fajlovi u APEXDC++/SETTINGS folderu.

    Nadam se da sam bar malo pomogao.

  3. A few days ago I selected many files to download cca 40GB , I have my incomplete folder on one particion and completed folder on another (but it doesn`t really matter), Almost every file was rarity on the HUBs that I was in ,so everything started and in 2 days time and almost nothing finished HDD was FULL.

    Hope that my explanation is understandable.

    Could there be a feature like HDD space quote for incomplete files?

    I know of the manual solution(adding files after finished DL )...but could there be a feature like this?

  4. Must agree on this one!

    My HUB is on a lokal network of an ISP,everybody must use their LAN IP adress,if they forget to uncheck the update ip then they find themselfes with the ISP routers adress :( especialy NOOBS (90 % )

    Hope that this is implementable,maybe that +myip result goes to the settings field?

  5. Problem is following: I started downloading one folder from one user that was full of pictures (with many subfolders). Now, that user changed his nick and all files have "User offline" status. I tried to open his file list and select download for that same folder again hoping that ApexDC++ will also detect same files inside its subfolders and offer him as alternative source, but no avail... only files in root folder are downloaded, for rest need to choose "Search for alternatives" one by one and since there's 1000+ pictures there's no way I can do that.

    Can someone suggest me what to do or add that functionality in next version if it doesn't exist.

    MATCH QUEUE ? Right click on the new user name and match queue option,it works for me.

    Or is it just by accident? I think that match queue is for that.

    Hope that it will work for you too.

  6. it can be used for bad things i disagree firmly

    Such as ?

    I must agree that it could be used for some share "limiting" but it could be implemented with some restrictions...maybe 10% can be only hidden of total share.

    I personaly think that the idea is good,but maybe I`m not seeing the whole picture.That is the reason why I asked to comment.

  7. Just a wild idea:

    What about a "hidden" share for favorite users?

    In favorite users one more column "User can see hidden share"

    and when you click autoslot then your favorite user can download stuff meant for them.This could also be a way for faster spreading of new stuff.I mean one fast leecher is better then 10 slow.

    I think this can not be categorised as a leech feature,it`s only an improvement of sharing.

    Please comment!

  8. but then, does the initial configuration pop up ?

    also, having it compiled in is more "pro" :)

    No NOT the initilal,but the changed one.

    So you will have one ZIP file with all the settings you want.Make a self-extracting ZIP file ;) and yourre done!

  9. Why don`t you make the changes you need in the program,save it and the distribute as a ZIP file! There is no need for the install .exe file.

    Or just the needed .xml files with a manual how to overwrite the default ones?

  10. :lol:

    The forums where much exiting with beta and beta2 :P

    Next time leave more BUGS and maybe hidden features so that it could be exiting again!

    Joking of course,I just admire your work! Very,very professional!

    Keep it up!

  11. Lee ti je napisao da adresa za testiranje port forwardinga se seli na drugi HOST (provajder ili kako vec) pa zato ne radi.

    Klijent ti je bio BETA 2 verzija i kada je izasla BETA 3 svakom je javio da ima BUG. To nije razlog za suspendovanje naloga.

    Ako si se vratio na 0.40 to windows vidi kao sasvim drugu aplikaciju....da li imas neki softwerski firewall? Ili sam windows firewall? Jel moguce da su ti BANovali IP na HUBu ?

  12. Same here ;)

    -=[ ApexDC++ 1.0.0 B3 Compiled on: 2007-07-25 ]=-

    -=[ Uptime: 2 days 9 hours 32 min ][ Cpu time: 0:41:05 ]=-

    -=[ Memory usage (peak): 81.21 MB (135.74 MB) ]=-

    -=[ Virtual memory usage (peak): 114.05 MB (154.61 MB) ]=-

    -=[ Downloaded: 138.33 MB ][ Uploaded: 8.65 GB ]=-

    -=[ Total download: 74.16 GB ][ Total upload: 499.69 GB ]=-

    -=[ System Uptime: 3 days 9 hours 8 min ]=-