
Auto spam, how?

2 posts in this topic

I want to be able to post some things every constant time in a channel that i am op.

Like, every 5 min say:

"Visit our web page....."

and even better put ads in several lines and say one at a time and start again... Any script available?


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I want to be able to post some things every constant time in a channel that i am op.

Like, every 5 min say:

"Visit our web page....."

and even better put ads in several lines and say one at a time and start again... Any script available?


Now granted I think random chat spam is bad... There are bots avaible to do this. I do not know what hub software you are running either, but Gbot (desgined mainly for a YNhub but may work on others) has a schedualed message system. Now.. this wouldn't deliver in main chat, but in a PM from the bot. Which unless it's spaced out longer then like 30 minutes is rather annoying.. to me anyway.. that being said, a lot depends on your hubs software for a system like that. There is perhaps a way to modify Usercommands in Apex to do it, but I never really looked into it, but it'd be in the SendToAll command etc.

This may be an option more suited for the OP client... as I definately would hate having all my users on my own hub having the capablity of spaming chat but I can see partially the usefullness.. though why not just use a mass messageing bot that sends a pm to all online users?

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