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Reducing HDD usage

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I wonder whether it is possible to reduce the HDD usage upon ApexDC++ start. Now in PWDC++ 0.41, if one has closed the client with many unfinished tasks, at the next start the program tries to read/write from/to all the files simultaneously, thus causing high HDD activity (or at least I think this is the reason). Is it possible to set some limit (user-adjustable depending on the PC) for the speed/number of segments?

Edited by Zlobomir

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Hmm... I can't say I've really noticed what you mentioned but if it's do-able and I'm reading correctly it does seem to be a worth-while feature.

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StrongDC++ RC11 has improved performance is this area..

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StrongDC++ RC11 has improved performance is this area..

Ah right, good. :)

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(user-adjustable depending on the PC) for the speed/number of segments?

All you need to do is reduce the number of downloads that can run.. :)

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