
[Bug] #Number of users missmatch

13 posts in this topic

I figure out some little bug about showing the number of users in the hub, it shows actually [no users+1]

It's not much , but it's still a bug :)


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I remember that when i owned a YnHub I could hide myself.I guess that someone is using that ability. ( And the hub 'forgot' to decrease the number of users in the userlist. )

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Maybe SDC++/Apex just do not count you? It would be logical, since when you enter a room, you see X people inside, not X + you. Assuming there are no "mirrors" around. ;)

Can you tell us which one is missing in Apex, but present in other clients? If too private, you may PM the Dev team.

Edited by Zlobomir

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Still, who? Or he can not be seen in Userlist?

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oh i see what you mean. freeman dose appear in the userlist. but yes you could be right someone may be counted in the total hub count but not appear in the hublist. i was looking at it from the other way round. what hub soft are you using freeman.

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hidden users/bots are included in this number too

But he speaks for difference in the nos. between Apex/SDC and other clients... You mean other clients do not detect hidden users? He said this is not the case, and if hidden are included, I would suggest show them in userlist or showing them as X+Y.

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His computer is just unreliable and can't count properly :)

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His computer is just unreliable and can't count properly :)

No it isnt. Quite a few people have experienced this miss calculation. As Big Muscle said, is there any hidden bots?

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Just jokin' in the way BM usually answers on bug reports :)

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Just jokin' in the way BM usually answers on bug reports :)

--OFF And particularly on the request to bring back the TTH check after Dd. OFF-- :)

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