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New Server

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I have just finished moving to a new server which is also hosting our two big affiliates, PeerWeb and neXTPeer. This is as much a case of consolidating costs and ease of configuration as anything else - regular visitors will know that we had no problems with our previous hosting. However, the server will likely only ever be under light loads, so everything should be quick!

Anyway, that's the cause for the (fairly short) downtime today. Everything should be working properly on the forums, but if you find a problem please let me know and I'll be on it ASAP. Chances are there are a couple of options which need changing around, so don't be surprised if things aren't totally smooth over the next few days. I have also incorporated into, which keeps a track of a number of servers and acts as a way for staff to contact users in case of hosting problems (though hopefully we shall experience no more of those!).

Work continues on the planning and preparation for ApexDC++, though we are limited in what we can do until StrongDC++ RC11 is released. Big Muscle is doing his best to ensure that RC11 is stable, so we think it'll worth the wait! However, you can expect some image concepts for the new client to be knocking around pretty soon, so those who keep checking back will be rewarded!

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Looks like everything went smoothly, and this new host is far superior in speed. :D

For everyone interested in the payment details for this 'dedicated' server, I got a decent package and pay £10 a month, so please support our site and refer people to us. :)

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