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[Crash] Download queue

9 posts in this topic

I've experienced crash. I was downloading a filelist from a user, but his connection bandwidth seems to be overloaded, so his filelist everytime drops and restarts downloading. So I went into download queue, clicked on "Filelists" and program just closed without any notices nor crash reports.

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Please reframe from steeling somebody else's topic. B)

If you can reproduce and retreive an exception report, that would be great.

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Hehe, I'm not steeling, but confirming bug existance B)

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Second time experienced this bug. While downloading from a slow user filelist, go to download queue and click on "Filelist" node of the treeview. Apex will crash without any notice.

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I've got more info about how to reproduce. It 100% works in my case.

Go to Waiting Users, works only if you have someone there, then close this tab, start downloading someone's big filelist, so it took some time to download, go into Download Queue, click on Filelists and... Apex would crash without a word of exception...

Oh, found the reason:

Unhandled exception, floating point operation.

BarShader.cpp, void CBarShader::Draw

Fail on

while((pos != NULL) && (m_Spans.GetKeyAt(pos) <= qwStart))

			crColor = m_Spans.GetNextValue(pos);


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quick guess, and this is just looking at the above but would the following fix it

--	  while((pos != NULL) && (m_Spans.GetKeyAt(pos) <= qwStart))

++	  while((pos != NULL) && (qwStart != NULL) && (m_Spans!=NULL) && (m_Spans.GetKeyAt(pos) <= qwStart))

			crColor = m_Spans.GetNextValue(pos);

	}//i am guessing this is the closing brace to something other then the while?

Edited by balder

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Hm... I think this one is somehow related with filelist download progressbar, which doesn't show in download queue. And qwStart has very huge value then it fails with invalid floating point operation.

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This bug still exists in 0.3.0 :'(

sorry forgot this one completely, i will try to reproduce it so i can look into it better...

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