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system log

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It was removed by BM from SDC++ in the name of less resource consumption. Personally I would like it back, along with 2 other things removed, but maybe not only removed but with some improvements...

system log like in DC++ shows to much spam, maybe along with some filter it would be nice (to show only important events, like errors).

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It was removed by BM from SDC++ in the name of less resource consumption. Personally I would like it back, along with 2 other things removed, but maybe not only removed but with some improvements...

system log like in DC++ shows to much spam, maybe along with some filter it would be nice (to show only important events, like errors).

i use 2 ways to see the system log:

- i move my mouse over the status bar, and it gives me the last system log entries;

- if i want further details, i simply open the system log file.

so i don't think this system log view would be useful to me...

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