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blog Server updates and new community platform

1 post in this topic

Note: this is the last post on here, copied directly from the new thing. Figured I'd use this to let those people know that still care.

You may have noticed some intermittent downtime on over the last couple of days. This was due to rebuilding and upgrading the server.

However, as a byproduct of this these forums became a major pain point. This has mostly to do with the decline in activity coupled with it no longer being worthwhile to keep paying for the privilege of having a secure installation because of this. So, to address this issue we now have a slim replacement on a more modern and free platform.

Where's the old content?

The old forums will remain on the server as read only for archival purposes for the time being. How long it will stick around remains to be seen as it was already necessary to manually patch certain bits to keep it working even in its current diminished capacity. This isn't something that can be done long term on a proprietary and complex code base that I already know more about than I'd care to admit.

Selection of topics from the old forums has also been manually imported over and brought up to date so that they may be more easily found and as to not have an unknown expiration date on them (mostly topics that are referenced directly by the main website in some fashion).

What about content being organized?

By default the new platform will display a view of all recent discussions, but the more traditional categories still exist, one can be picked when starting a new discussion. For a more traditional way of viewing the content you can also go over to the categories tab.

Going Forward

This is mostly here so that if people want or need to reach people they still can and that there still is a place for people to bring up issues or requests if they feel so inclined. As far as future plans for the project are concerned, currently there really aren't any beyond keeping the client somewhat current and potentially fixing a few bugs along the way where possible.

Edited by Crise
Note about the origin of the content

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