
Detailed Log

4 posts in this topic

Is there a plugin or any other way to log all the actions that happen in a hub?

By all actions I mean the uploads, downloads, who connects to hub at what time and who disconnects etc.


PS. I have Op privileges.

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These actions are something that should be logged hub side. You, as a user (even if you are an OP) have no way of knowing when some other user is requesting a file from another user and so on...

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Is there a way to do it in a hub? I am using YnHub.


PS Apologies if this is not the right forum to ask this query.

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DC is P2P. Meaning peers connect with other peers and the only way to know what those peers are doing is to be one of them.


So no, you can't spy on your users.


The best you can do is use the "Developer Plugin" which will let you see when users communicate with the hub (not with other peers). For example, you can use it as a "Search Spy" replacement, which effectively lets you see what people are searching for; however, you won't be able to determine the identity of the user, and it's very ugly unless you do some serious scripting to clean it up. Most of the outputted data is garbage and meaningless (at least to me), but a few regex filters can help filter out the searches and make them easier to read.


You can also opt to display joins and disconnects in the main chat, if you wish to see who's using the hub.

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