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How to enable encryption

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How to enable encryption in ApexDC++

One of the main advantages of the ADC protocol is that it allows users to transfer and chat in an encrypted environment. This guide will show you how easy it is to enable encryption in ApexDC++.

Forward the TLS port in your router

Just like another TCP port, you will need to forward the TLS port in connection settings:

Go to File > Settings and scroll down to Advanced. Click on Security and mimic this window:

Make sure all three checkboxes are enabled. As of 1.3.8, these are enabled by default:

  1. Use TLS when remote client supports it
  2. Allow TLS connections to hub without trusted certificate
  3. Allow TLS connections to client without trusted certificate

Connect to an ADCS hub

You can only achieve encrypted transfers when you connect to a hub that supports it. ADCS:// are hubs that support the encryption protocol, so search your hublist window for such hubs.

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Also it's worth noting that the "TLS" port is just another TCP port (to avoid confusion).

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