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[Bug] ApexDC++ crash

2 posts in this topic

crashed a few times within 24 hrs. I am running winXP sp2

Code: c0000005

Version: 0.1.0

Major: 5

Minor: 1

Build: 2600

SP: 2

Type: 1

Time: 2006-08-05 06:50:03


l:\lf share\unshared\apexdc\svn\windows\flattabctrl.h(542): FlatTabCtrlImpl<FlatTabCtrl=0x0315ADC0,ATL::CWindow=0x0012E640,ATL::CWinTraits<1442840576=0x0315ADC0,0> >::TabInfo::update

l:\lf share\unshared\apexdc\svn\windows\flattabctrl.h(154): FlatTabCtrlImpl<FlatTabCtrl=0x0315ADC0,ATL::CWindow=0x0012E65C,ATL::CWinTraits<1442840576=0x00000009,0> >::setDirty

l:\lf share\unshared\apexdc\svn\windows\privateframe.h(203): PrivateFrame::addClientLine

l:\lf share\unshared\apexdc\svn\windows\privateframe.cpp(410): PrivateFrame::addLine

l:\lf share\unshared\apexdc\svn\windows\privateframe.cpp(115): PrivateFrame::gotMessage

l:\lf share\unshared\apexdc\svn\windows\hubframe.cpp(902): HubFrame::onSpeaker

0x00CE01B0: ?

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This is a different crash to the one you posted in, so I split it. Can you provide some details as to what you were doing when it crashed?

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