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How was this possible?

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I have 2 downloads folders: Downloads and Downloads2.

Since march, this is the 4th time when my "Downloads" disappears and all it's content is moved to "FileLists" folder, in a folder named after a filelist file, a recent (downloaded fileslist file).

To be more specific: C:\Program Files\ApexDC++\Downloads\ disappears and all its content is moved to

C:\Program Files\ApexDC++\Settings\FileLists\[RO][CLIKNET]jeanreno.PWPA7EN7TIS3TENTJWNFOYXHYZB47TZJQ6EPRFI\

([RO][CLIKNET]jeanreno.PWPA7EN7TIS3TENTJWNFOYXHYZB47TZJQ6EPRFI, the name of this folder varied, each time it was the name of a recently downloaded filelist)

Why is this happening?

I'm afraid not to lose my files.

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