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Subdirectories won't download!

3 posts in this topic

Hey Everyone,

So...I've got a bit of a problem. When I try and download files from people, the subdirectories will not download. Sometimes the occasional subdirectory *will* download but very, very rarely and it is missing any subdirectories within it. I've tried both ApexDC and StrongDC and reinstalling, etc. to no avail.

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions, it'd be greatly appreciated.


Windows XP Pro SP3 (Legit)

AMD Athlon 64 X2 5800+

4GB Corsair DDR2 Dominator (2*2GB)


Thermaltake 450W PSU

And...connecting to my university's local DC++ network.

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It's the difference between "Browse file list" and "Get file list" Use the later one and it will work as you expect it to (you can change the default from Settings >Advanced > Experts Only)

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