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Stealing of users

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Hi all,

I am an OP on a hub with 1300+ users. Today, everything was working as usual but suddendly I got redirected to some crappy Polish hub (it is called "devil team"). At first I was like wtf? :whistling:

Then I returned to "my" hub and saw that nearly 1000 users were gone. They were redirected to that Polish hub as well.

I had a chat with our hub owner and he told me that Verlihub has a bug which was exploited by these Polish bastards to steal users from other hubs. Looks like we were not the only ones since there were more people complaining about this sort of stuff on the Polish hub main chat (of course the operators denied everything).

I have googled and searched, but didn't find any information about this bug, also Verlihub forums are dead, as is the official hub.

So, guys, does any of you recognize this situation? Might it be a bug in the clients, accepting the $ForceMove command from other hosts than the hub, or might the code be broken somehow to allow execution of this redirection part of code? Or, which is more probable, is this a bug in Verlihub? I don't know...

Tell me what you think about it... :thumbsup:

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lol at nmdc :whistling: thats all i have to say :thumbsup:

let me guess mainchat was full of wierd signs and symbol and then u got redirected to another hub

Edited by Toast

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  Mek said:
Hi all,

I am an OP on a hub with 1300+ users. Today, everything was working as usual but suddendly I got redirected to some crappy Polish hub (it is called "devil team"). At first I was like wtf? :whistling:

You were not the only one, true. Lots of other Polish hubs got redirected to this "crappy Polish hub" as well...

And official Verli forum is not dead and there is thread about that issue.

  Toast said:
let me guess mainchat was full of wierd signs and symbol and then u got redirected to another hub

No Toast. Its an exploit (only) in Verlihub not the "redirecting bot" or however it was called few months ago.

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ookay, so, most probably it is not a new bug but it is the older one from October 08 (I think). I will tell the hub owner to fix it.

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