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Few errors & features

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Sorry, my english is auful.

1. Don't work function : Double ckick on nick-name in chat - Insert nickname in chat string. It's just highlight's nick. Right-click works fine.

2. magnet-link error: in some smile-pack's russian filename converts to smiles.

maybe you can convert this :


into this :

Joe Cocker - You Can Leave Your Hat On.mp3 (4.08Mb)

version of ApexDC is 1.2.0B

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Can someone rephrase this... having slight difficulty in understanding especially n.3 ...

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This link in chat look like shown on image above: 89955185.gif

Without "big smile's pack" it show's like this: 70304435.gif

I don't want to use other smile pack, because i like this one.

change prioity in magnet-link conversion to short link:

First: convert magnet-link to short-link.

Second: replace text-smiles to image

Third: show message in chat.

I think you understand.

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This is surely bug in smiley pack. When we implemented emoticon feature, we had specified what packs must realize not to replace normal text. If pack's author isn't able to respect it, it's not our problem.

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FlyLINK's author fixed that bug, but i don't like FlyLink! I'm with ApexDC from 0.2.x version. Fixing SmilePack it's not solution of problem. Five hundred peoples used this smilepack on our p2p-exchange server... :thumbsup:

so, what about problem with action: Double-click on nick in chat - insert nick at chat (can be changed to: find in userlist, send PM) -- it's don't work in some case: when nick-name contains symbols "[", "]", russian characters.

When nick double-clicked in chat, it's just highlight's it like in MSword application when you double-ckick on word :), but right-click action works fine.

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oh, i foregot another one bug:

if "," or " ` " characters in filename , then shortlink looks like this:

with " ` "

weird al yankovic - it (36,17 Mб)`s+All+About+The+Pentiums.mpg


with " , "

zuberi (433,14 Кб),+golden_feather.jpg

this link's was generated by other version of DC-client, if i copy magnet-link on this file on ApexDC, it replaces " , " and " ` " by it's code.

but in chat it' look's like i wrote above.

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What so funny ? Agrhh... Can you say anything smart? :)

Post the smilepack so the developers can take a look at it .. thats my first advice instead of talking about leecher clients or if u have a patch for it perhaps the developers can take a look at it instead of you posting copyrighted material since this forum doesn't condone copyright infringement.

How does that sound for smart comments?! :thumbsup:

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Post the smilepack so the developers can take a look at it .. thats my first advice instead of talking about leecher clients or if u have a patch for it perhaps the developers can take a look at it instead of you posting copyrighted material since this forum doesn't condone copyright infringement.

How does that sound for smart comments?! :thumbsup:

wery good at this time.

ok, how i can send you smilepack ? i think you need only XML-file ?

i pinned xml file to this message.

PS: i deleted TTH and size from my previous messages. sorry for this.


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wery good at this time.

ok, how i can send you smilepack ? i think you need only XML-file ?

i pinned xml file to this message.

PS: i deleted TTH and size from my previous messages. sorry for this.

Good now the developers have something to look at as for the Flylink Code well i do believe Crise knows where its at if he wishes to take a peak..

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Fixing SmilePack it's not solution of problem. Five hundred peoples used this smilepack on our p2p-exchange server... :)

Your smileyPack doesn't use correct format. It MUST be fixed in SmileyPack, not in application. If you aren't able to run Linux app on Windows, will you complain that fixing application isn't a solution?

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so, what about problem with action: Double-click on nick in chat - insert nick at chat (can be changed to: find in userlist, send PM) -- it's don't work in some case: when nick-name contains symbols "[", "]", russian characters.

When nick double-clicked in chat, it's just highlight's it like in MSword application when you double-ckick on word :), but right-click action works fine.

This feature *works* in ApexDC 1.2.0Beta, just checked that (I'm the admin of one russian-speaking hub, so i have dozens of nicks to check :) ) Probably, there exist more precise conditions when this occurs.

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