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PM Bug

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My ApexDc Settings: open new PM message in the background.

I switch (Alt+Tab) to another Windows program, but i let ApexDc maximized (only it is now not focused, it is sent to back).

For example, I have say notepad or something in front of apexdc.

When receiving a new pm message on some hub, apexdc instantly get focus and move itself in front of the active Windows program (notepad in my example).

Hope I explained clearly, sorry for my poor english.

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the setting just opens the desired sort of tabs in the background, letting you stay on the tab you were before (ex.:you were chatting on some hub and than got a slotbegging pm. if teh setting is ON, you'll stay on hub, if OFF - you'll find yourself typing last words to a pm window)

the setting does not affect the whole window behaviour. thus, if you've got a pm, the window will go on top regardless of the fact, if the pm was opened in the backgroung or not. if you want to avoid this, make apex go to tray when you dont need it

this is an old misbehaviour (0.4.0 seemed to act like this too).

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  air said:
the setting does not affect the whole window behaviour.

Where did I say it does ? I just revealed my default setting. I don't know if other settings are still "affected" by this behavior because I didn't check all the cases. I think a bug report should include a minimum description of whatever you may think it can be related to the bug.

  air said:
thus, if you've got a pm, the window will go on top regardless of the fact, if the pm was opened in the backgroung or not. if you want to avoid this, make apex go to tray when you dont need it

I don't like this. Why do I have to be forced to move Apex to tray ? It is not logic from my point of view. I think the correct solution is to correct this 'misbehavior'.

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