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Mini FAQ to ApexDC++

1 post in this topic

Q: Where can I download ApexDC++?

A: Nowhere at the time being as ApexDC++ is currently in pre-alpha stage, which means that no actual code for it exist's, yet.


Q: What do you mean by saying "no actual code for it exist's", isn't this a continuation of PWDC++, so sure there exsists code?

A: Yes ApexDC++ is continuation of PWDC++. but due to compiler change between StrongDC++ RC10 and RC11, we have decided to start off clean slate.


Q: Where does the name come from?

A: Definations of Apex are: "The highest point (of something).", "To reach or go over the top of something such as a mountain."


Q: Will feature X of PWDC++ be in ApexDC++?

A: In 95% of cases the answer is yes, as most of PWDC++ features will also be present in ApexDC++.


Q: When will it be released?

A: No release dates have been assigned, but aproxsimate time of release will most likely be 1 or 2 months from the release of StrongDC++ RC11.


Q: Can I be a Beta Tester for ApexDC++?

A: Only the current beta testers of PWDC++/neXT++ will get position as tester. Please donate if you want access to private betas, for more info see below.


Q: I was a tester for PWDC++/neXT++, how will i get my position back?

A: Send private message to Lee.


Q: What is the "Donator" group?

A: It's a special group for those few who donated to ApexDC++, so we could get IPB License and have been given access to ApexDC++ beta builds as a token of appreciation.


Q: If I donate money for ApexDC++ can i get Donator status too?

A: Yes. Donations provide the project with capital in order to purchase new mirrors, the IPB license and hosting costs.


Q: Is ApexDC++ free?

A: Yes.


Last Updated: 29th of January 2006

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