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[1.1.0] Bump preview for progress bars

3 posts in this topic

One more, but small bug this time. :D

I have actually first met this "miss" for about, hm, can't find the post on StrongDC++ forums (BM, does the forum gets autopruned every year? :)), well, it was about 4 years ago, some time when StrongDC++ 1.0 was in early stage. Was now also trying to find in oDC and ApexDC++ source where that miss is made, but I'm probably too old for this, was so many years ago, and entire code has been rewritten since then. :P

While you click Settings > Appearance > Colors & fonts > Progressbar colors > Progressbar colors > Bumped checkbox, both transfer bar previews should be redrawn to bumped and non-bumped style, exactly as Menu bar > Bumped checkbox does. But nothing actually happens when you click first checkbox, it appears correctly redrawn only after you close and re-open settings dialog.

Thank you. ;)

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It isn't forgotten, but not fixed, at least not yet and don't know if it will be... not exactly critical bug.

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