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[1.1.0] Choosing client action by right click

3 posts in this topic


There seems to be one little problem with "Settings > Advanced > Fake detector > Clients" list. The action column is not visually updated (it is updated only physically, chosen action will appear when you re-open settings window) when you change the action by using right click. Tho it works when you press Change button and change it from there, the column is updated both visually and physically.

I hope you understand what I mean. If not, please let me know. :)

I will be glad if someone test it and confirm the bug, so this bug can be added to developers ToDo list. Thank you.

This bug was reported even in 1.0.1:

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I'm adding a screenshot to show you more exactly what I'm doing.

  1. Go to Settings > Advanced > Fake detector > Clients.
  2. Look at the action column of "test" item.
  3. Right click on "test" item, a dialog window pops up.
  4. Choose another action from available list.
  5. Press OK button, which should save and update new chosen action visually aswell.
  6. Look at the action column again, which is still same because the previous stage was incomplete.

  • You can close settings window now, and re-open it again, the action column for "test" item will now show "Virus files".
  • You can press Change button and choose an action from there instead, the column will be updated both visually and physically saved to XML file.


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