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I have tryed plugins new feature. What can I say.

1) Plugin documentation is absent, at least I tried to follow the link on the page - it is Feature: Plugin API (view documentation) (view documentation - points to nowhere) Or maybe points to the forum topic which is unavailable to me.

2) Plugin API is very RAW. For instance, I wants to develop a plugin which will be sows me some last chat messages, and be on the top always. I have wrote such plugin, but that was not so easy. Because there is no any interface to the existing features of Apex, there is no interface to some utilites, such of convertion from UTF or into to UTF etc.

So. currently the plugin API is complete unusaable, in my point of view. But it is very high step forward? anyway.

Looking for more improvement plugin API.

With best regads,


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I have tryed plugins new feature. What can I say.

1) Plugin documentation is absent, at least I tried to follow the link on the page - it is Feature: Plugin API (view documentation) (view documentation - points to nowhere) Or maybe points to the forum topic which is unavailable to me.

2) Plugin API is very RAW. For instance, I wants to develop a plugin which will be sows me some last chat messages, and be on the top always. I have wrote such plugin, but that was not so easy. Because there is no any interface to the existing features of Apex, there is no interface to some utilites, such of convertion from UTF or into to UTF etc.

So. currently the plugin API is complete unusaable, in my point of view. But it is very high step forward? anyway.

Looking for more improvement plugin API.

With best regads,


The plugin api is still in itäs infant stage, I'll gladly take any suggestions (or patches... :() about improving it.

Regarding the documentation, it is just as incomplete as the plugin api, but it is there, I guess forum permissions are incorrect somewhere....

Edit: the link you mentioned should work now :(

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The plugin api is still in itäs infant stage, I'll gladly take any suggestions (or patches... :() about improving it.

Regarding the documentation, it is just as incomplete as the plugin api, but it is there, I guess forum permissions are incorrect somewhere....

I understand any risks, and I tried plugin IP in spite of there was no docs, just looking for source. The Idea is very great! Nobody has sush feature in the their own clone based on Apex :(

I very liked Apex project and I can help the project for example, to develop some plugins.

I'm a Russian, so I already have a lot of plugins features specially to Russian users, and not only related to them.

So it because I very interested in good plugin API.

Of course I can give you some free help to improve it.

Thanks for your attention!

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Hi, It is me again :(

Plugin has no access to specific Apex classes. For example: I want to overlap the ::onChat event and the parameters in that evens are in UTF8 format. So the rich edit control understands only plain ascii format, so I have to convert UTF8 to ansi. But I cannot, because the text.h and text.cpp are depending of too much of sources to include into plugin.

getCallBack()->.. function aren't provide UTF-ansi conversion.

And even more - the callback onChat(ClientInterface *client, string& text) - will provide the limited functionality. Why you don't provide the full chat callback with the timestamp and so other maybe in some special function like onCompleteChat( or whatever.

Thanks, for your attention, With best regards,


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hi s2k, just wanted to make a pasing coment and hope you dont take offence. so i will start by saying thankyou for showing atention and ofering to help. what i wanted to say is that it would be benifitial if you could offer solutions to your questions. from what you have writen it suggests you know what ou are talking about. if instead of the following

Why you don't provide the full chat callback with the timestamp and so other maybe in some special function like onCompleteChat( or whatever.

you said something like

could you provide full chat callback with the timestamp ... possibly like the following

 provide sudo code or patch code

this will enable the dev team or posibly others intrested in a simlar feature to implment it much easier. i gusse what im saying is plugins are a developer feature and as such its expected to get requests from developers and that these requests should be constructed in the afformentioned manner.

im not sure i may be speeking out of turn but either way if you can do the above it will help. i think that as developers you should understand the dev process and know that some features get more atenetion then others. i kow that if i was tech architecture for apex i would hope that the plugins side of a projected woud get active support from it devs. i.e. if the plugin api is not good enough send a patch.

anyway as i said i hope i haven't offended and apreciated your assistance

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The major drawback with the current plugin api is that it passes stl types as arguments between plugin and exe... which is not safe, I am currently looking into this and that is why I didn't include any conversion solutions yet.

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