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"Inverted limiter" feature

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Can you add the next feature - "Inverted limiter", like in rmDC++? In the pop-up menu when right-click on a user in the UL/DL window. It's very usefull for users with big share. I have more then 1Tib and 100 Mbit/s line, so I set my speed limit to 1Mb/s, but sometimes I need to unlock speed limiter for my friends, not for all users.

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This can be achieved by adding user to Favorites and then "Allow to bypass limiter". But it will be usable to access this via Transfer window tho.

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This can be achieved by adding user to Favorites and then "Allow to bypass limiter". But it will be usable to access this via Transfer window tho.

I have a latest version, but when I choose an "Allow to bypass limiter" - nothing happend, a speed to upload the same. What's up?

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