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Dynamic resource usage

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I am thinking of a way to create some dependency b/w Apex and System Idle process, i. e. when System Idle Process has high values, "allow" Apex to use the available resources (mainly CPU). If Sys Idle Process drops to a predefined by user point, due to a loaded game for example, let Apex use only a predefined from the user CPU percentage. Or even "Decrease CPU usage with X% when CPU Idle Process decreases with 1 (for more than X seconds)".

I hope the above is understandable, Google was claiming such thing with their multi-platform browser science bar, if you remember. I am looking mainly to some way to increase the number of downloaded file lists for check, when no (other) resource-hungry appy is running.

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Zlobomir ... i understood what you'd like, so the explanation is good :) ... and lets say, i'm standing behind you as the requesting mob :)

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StrongDC++ already decrese its priority on minimize and that's all what can be done. And about Idle processes? There's nothing below Idle priority (and priority 0 is reserved for pages zeroizing in memory management)

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StrongDC++ already decrese its priority on minimize and that's all what can be done. And about Idle processes? There's nothing below Idle priority (and priority 0 is reserved for pages zeroizing in memory management)

So the explanation was really bad. I meant not the priority of Idle Process, but its value as a meter for Apex/Strong/DC resource usage.

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