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Noob Q: Offline user is downloading?

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Hi, I'm new to DC Hubs & ApexDC++, so please forgive the noob question - I *did* look through the guides first! -_-

I have a user currently downloading from me that is showing as "offline" in the Hub/Segment column of the user list. What does that mean, and is this normal? Thanks!

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I can think of two reasons for this to happen:

1. Connection established, filelist taken, you left the hub, but due to the direct P2P connection you are still connected to him.

2. As 1., but he left the hub. There is a setting for this, to "stimulate" users to stay in hubs and share, called "Automatically disconnect users when they leave the hub". File>Settings>Advanced> line 10, check also line 11 to protect your favorite users.

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I can think of two reasons for this to happen:

1. Connection established, filelist taken, you left the hub, but due to the direct P2P connection you are still connected to him.

2. As 1., but he left the hub. There is a setting for this, to "stimulate" users to stay in hubs and share, called "Automatically disconnect users when they leave the hub". File>Settings>Advanced> line 10, check also line 11 to protect your favorite users.

Thanks for the explanation - I didn't leave the hub, so it must have been #2. I'm going to set the option you mentioned - I don't think I like having guys connected to me who aren't currently on the hub. Thanks!

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Actually, in real-virtual life, people often do not leave the hubs by choice - smtms it happens because of their poor I-net connection, like with me currently. So probably it will be better if connection is dropped after a time>time to the auto-reconnect attempt.

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