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PM send file

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Is it possible to have "Send file" in PM just like in msn messenger. Button that would open explorer to select what file to send and send it, the reciver would have to accept. basicly just like it works in msn :rolleyes:

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Maybe I want to send a personal file that´s not in share so that´s not going to do the job.

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Use MSN for it then? I don't think the protocol is going to work with this. Nearest you'd get would be that Apex would add the file to your share automatically then give a magnet link or whatever in PM. Doesn't seem like that's much of a need for this, if you can share the file publically, put it in your share, if not then do it externally to DC or put it in a password protected RAR.

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A feature such as this one might take out a lot of frustration from users, though.

Let's say I wish to give someone a file without putting it in share, but I also don't wish that person to have my YM/MSN/whatever account name/number.

Undoubtedly, this feature would make ApexDC++ a complete file sharing application.

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Will be nice and useful for me too.

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