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Cannot stay connected to hubs

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I can't stay connected to any hubs. This is what I get...

[03:22:57] *** Connecting to

[03:22:57] *** Connected

[03:23:59] *** Connection closed

[03:26:57] *** Connecting to

[03:26:57] *** Connected

[03:27:59] *** Connection closed

[03:30:37] *** Connecting to

[03:30:37] *** Connected

[03:31:39] *** Connection closed

[03:34:34] *** Connecting to

[03:34:34] *** Connected

[03:35:40] *** Connection closed

[03:38:30] *** Connecting to

[03:38:30] *** Connected

[03:39:39] *** Connection closed

[03:42:06] *** Connecting to

[03:42:06] *** Connected

My ISP is clearwire (wireless)

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Very bad internet connection / your ISP hates specifically DC++?

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is there no one else that uses wireless internet (mine is clearwire 2mbps) and DC? Im assuming it is my ip but ahhh i want DC back! No ideas of how I can make it work?

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I use wireless internet. But possibly not wireless in the way you describe it.

It's your wireless through a router? Or the true definitive of wireless (can't remember the name off hand, WiMAX)

I use a router with an ISP.

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No, its not wi-fi, its real wireless...through cell phone towers. Its not bad at 2mbps other than the fact that I cant get into any direct connect hubs with it and all other file sharing programs really suck. hmmmmmmmmm

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Yeh, they're blocking it, unfortunate, no way around it for you buddy.

Other options such as traffic tunnelling are hard to explain.

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