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I wish, that the preview function in apexdc was more automated..

what i mean ?

When i install apexdc it should check for programs known for being able to play incomplete files

for example VLC player can play 90% of video files i know of (tho not realmedia) even incomplete files

also, if i install vlc or programs known for being able to do that it should add it to the preview app list.

also double clicking files in download queue should play the best (or configured default) for that file type

good idea ?

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We 'used' to have this in PWDC (we used AVIPreview) bit people complained about probs with this and being forced to use such a program. So we removed it.

However, it would be nice to have an option for it. Such as:

1. Use AVIPreview

2. No Thanks, i'll pick my own program to use.

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that was because you included it, i mean add too list already installed programs (or programs later installed (checked at startup (of apexdc)))

doing that gives users the comfort of not having to know how to add stuff in the preview gadget in apex, because it is automatic :)

makes sense now ?

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During the installation of Apex we should probably allow the user to configure it, if possible. This is another thing which should be part of an "initial setup" when a user installs ApexDC or runs it for the first time.

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