
Check TTH after download finishes

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btw ... i was wondering if there will be any chance to get the checking of downloaded file for tth after finished with downloading, as .... last night i've downloaded a movie, and i had a "dejavu" for several times ... like 2-4 seconds are played twice (problem is not with my player, or not of the delay of high usage of pc) .... and it happened before for other movies, and for music files too .... in these cases i usually download it again, but .... maybe i'm wrong, but maybe there's a problem with the multisourcing, when it merges the parts into one .... maybe with strong dc as well? :)

i can remember that in previous releases (before apex project) the client always checked for the tth of the downloaded file when finishing, and if it finds any corruption, it redownloads from the part which (according to some processes i canont see) has the corruption. in that way downloads finished a bit later, but the same for sure ;) without errors

if it's a movie it doesn't matter, as i don't care, but if it's a software, this little "dejavu" in the code could lead to a freeze or sg, as if unlucky it won't realize what it's about and end up for example hung or simply quit.

so is there a way to implement it "back" to the final release or as it's probably not present in the new strong clients, there is no chance to have it?

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I thought this feature was already there?

I'll have a hunt around in DC tomorrow night when i get home and report back.

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well ... i think it's not present (or turned off here, but cannot figure out which setting, as i've checked settings a million times for it) ... as if it would be there, then it would mean that my pc creates a tth for a newly downloaded file, and matches it with the source in 1 sec ...even with 700 mb or 2gb or bigger files .... which is ... (knowing the limits of this pc) ... quite impossible :D

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TTH is checked during transfer, so it's impossible to download corrupted file. But if file is really corrupted then:

a) source file was corrupted too and you just downloaded this corrupted file

:D you have bug in your PC and file got corrupted after downloading and sending it to OS

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  Big Muscle said:
TTH is checked during transfer, so it's impossible to download corrupted file. But if file is really corrupted then:

a) source file was corrupted too and you just downloaded this corrupted file

:D you have bug in your PC and file got corrupted after downloading and sending it to OS

I second BigMuscles statement and totally agree.

Side note: Sometimes some of us like to investigate other clients and load our Queue from the old client into the one we are playing with. Not sure if this is your case but thought I would state that this can also cause the same issues.

Edited by Mikey

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it's not the case ... maybe then i'm just unlucky and always get the corrupted one :D

but thanks for the replies .... i'm still curious ... how and when does it check tth during download? after every finished part or sg like that? ... cuz ... i guess until we have the full file, we won't know what will be it's tth, and that's why it sounds strange to me saying it's checked "during" download, not when it could be told for 100% sure (when finished)

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it checks after each XXX kB where XXX is the size of TTH block. TTH block size depends on file size but is minimally 64kB.

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  Big Muscle said:
it checks after each XXX kB where XXX is the size of TTH block. TTH block size depends on file size but is minimally 64kB.

thank you, that explains everything ;)

1 user convinced :D

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