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[1.0.0 B3] Crash

3 posts in this topic

ApexDC++ crash after attempt to find some big files, sorry about Russian language in log

Сигнатура проблемы:

  Имя события проблемы:	APPCRASH

  Имя приложения:	ApexDC.exe

  Версия приложения:

  Штамп времени приложения:	46a7594d

  Имя модуля с ошибкой:	ApexDC.exe

  Версия модуля с ошибкой:

  Штамп времени модуля с ошибкой:	46a7594d

  Код исключения:	c0000090

  Смещение исключения:	00009882

  Версия ОС:	6.0.6000.

  Код языка:	1049

  Дополнительные сведения 1:	64a4

  Дополнительные сведения 2:	7354c198596d073d9870c84cfbd023d4

  Дополнительные сведения 3:	5938

  Дополнительные сведения 4:	d05d315d3c5d196e129ca27d126b3f81

I really don't know why but after six attempts to find and load file bug go away...

[added] Now bug come back...

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We can't work with russian crash, you need to translate it.

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We can't work with russian crash, you need to translate it.

Will be fun. :)

Problem signature:

  Problem event name:	APPCRASH

  Application name:	ApexDC.exe

  Application version:

  Application timestamp:	46a7594d

  Mistake module name:	ApexDC.exe

  Mistake module version:

  Mistake module timestamp:	46a7594d

  Exeption code:	c0000090

  ?Смещение? Exeption:	00009882

  OS version:	6.0.6000.

  Language code:	1049

  Additional info 1:	64a4

  Additional info 2:	7354c198596d073d9870c84cfbd023d4

  Additional info 3:	5938

  Additional info 4:	d05d315d3c5d196e129ca27d126b3f81

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