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How to install and use raw commands [New style]

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This is a new guide for the title "How to install and use raw commands", but for the new, improved Zion++ style raw manager. :) This is better, more easily customiseable. Ok so let's get cracking. ;)

First thing is to create the raw commands: go to File\Settings...\Advanced\Fake Detector\Action & Raw, this is where you can add, delete and modify raws. You see that the page is separated into two windows: the upper one is Action and the lower one is Raw. First you need to add an action, so click on the Add button in the Action window. Now type a name for the action...

*TIP* comparing to this guide, this is a bit similar to the part when you name your raw commands, but this has a lot more in it! I recommend you don't type here what the raw command will contain but on which event/cheat it will be executed on (this is why it's called Action :stuart:), for example: (Fake Detector), (Incomplete files), (Bad porn)... et cetera (last two probably for ADLSearch).

Now that you have an action, the next step is to set the raw command itself which will be executed. :) Click on Add in the Raw part of the page, give a name to the raw command (this is where the name should be what it does, like Kick, Drop, Timeban, Ban etc.) and you can set Sleep time if you want (in seconds), if you set it, the raw will be executed after X second(s), it's probably best to leave it at 0. Now the actual raw command... enter it to the Raw field (raw command guide here). After finished, click OK. You can preset multiple raw commands for an action. Add further ones in the same way as you added the first one. This is good because you can customise your commands per hubs, to go by hub rules and needs. An example for an action "Bad porn": you create a command which kicks and you create one that bans... later you can decide which one do you want to use for each hub. :) Create as many actions as you like... most likely one is for the Fake Detector's cheats.

*NOTE* When you assign to cheats, you will always assign the actions, not the raw commands... which raw command will be executed depends on which one you set it for each hub!

The next and final step is to enable the actions & raws for the hubs. Go to Favorite Hubs and go to any hub's properties. Select the actions you want to enable (tick), and when you click on one, the raw commands appear on the right side, so select the one you want to use for that hub (tick). :)

That's it, have fun!

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