Lost Angel

Zion ++ project stopped, p2p banned in France altogether?

26 posts in this topic

Greg, don't get me wrong - I don't mean users should be faceless. I mean the identity of a user online should not be connected in any way to the users actual location (which ip provides) exactly because of the abuse of privacy violation by the various states and organizations. However, I absolutely agree with users setting up identities and connecting their VR to the RL self as much as they want.

Regarding ips - I know how it works, but I believe it might work somehow else too, if even with a giant proxy system of a kind, I frankly do not have a valid solution to exclude ip-like id, but I am sure there might be other ways to replace it.

As for private hubs - anonymity of actual users won't hurt at all - you will have login and password there anyway - which is why these hubs are called private.

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