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Emulation Explained

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Emulation Explained

You ever ran across a hub doesn't let you in with ApexDC++ because one of the following reasons:

  • Hub gives error "Turn on your tags" or something similar.
  • Hub gives error "You are not using DC++, please change client" or something similar.
  • Hub gives error "Unrecognized Client" or something similar.

All these relatively common problems can be solved by turning on client emulation in ApexDC++, emulation in DC simply put means that you are telling to hub that you use i.e. DC++, but in reality you are actually using i.e. ApexDC++, which usually allows you to bypass errors like above.

Procedures of turning on client emulation on ApexDC++

Case A (connecting to hub from public hub lists window or via Quick Connect):

No need to do anything as when you connect using these two methods emulation is automatically

used. (assuming that hub is not in your favourites.)

Case B (favourite hub requires emulation):

When you add a hub that requires emulation to your favourites special steps are required to turn

emulation on, as emulation of favourites is hub specific:

  • Right-click on the hub emulation needs to be set to and choose "Properties"
  • Now just tick the box "Emulate DC++ in this hub"

Special notes about emulation

  • You cannot have 100% undetectable emulation if you use transfer rate limiting as then L:X is displayed in your tag (x = upload limit).

  • When emulating segmented downloading will be less effective.

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