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Ignored users

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It would be cool if a option is added to show ignore message for users who are ignored and are writing to you, something like "You have been ignored" or "User XXX is currently ignoring you" (or custom, with option to disable it) every time they send a PM and you don't receive it, instead of nothing :D

And Q2, is there any way i can enhance the ignore list with lest say, any nick who has 'xxx' in it is being ignored (like the *** masks), or anyone with X.XXgb share is ignored, or description, e-mail, IP, etc.

(Sorry if my post doesn't make sense, I'm in a hurry right now :D )

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Quite related, I am missing the message when the opposite peer closes his PM window. So you may wish him, say, Good Night, and reopen the window at his side, thus annoying him. While with the notice about window is closed you may refrain from writing anymore. :D

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