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Help please

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This is the crash:

Code: c0000005

Version: 0.41

Major: 5

Minor: 1

Build: 2600

SP: 2

Type: 1

Time: 2007-02-05 18:32:00


c:\program files\microsoft visual studio .net 2003\vc7\include\stlport\stl\_vector.h(332): _STL::vector<PartialPeerInfo=0x01CFFC94,_STL::allocator<PartialPeerInfo> >::push_back

l:\lf share\unshared\client\pwdc\client\queuemanager.cpp(2056): QueueManager::storePartialSource

l:\lf share\unshared\client\pwdc\client\searchmanager.cpp(428): SearchManager::onData

l:\lf share\unshared\client\pwdc\client\searchmanager.cpp(215): SearchManager::run

l:\lf share\unshared\client\pwdc\client\thread.h(146): Thread::starter

f:\vs70builds\3077\vc\crtbld\crt\src\threadex.c(241): _threadstartex

kernel32!0x7C80B683: GetModuleFileNameA

This is the error, please help me to fix it

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Hm, as long as PWDC++ is not developed anymore, this could remain unresolved... But please, provide more details about your soft- and hardware, have you been doing smth specific when PWDC crashed?

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Hm, as long as PWDC++ is not developed anymore, this could remain unresolved... But please, provide more details about your soft- and hardware, have you been doing smth specific when PWDC crashed?

Yes y give grant extraslot to somebody. Thanks anyway! The problem is resolved with system restore! Now everything is ok. Win xp+sp2 with all update until nov 2006, cpu 1.2 DURON; motherboard VIA K7VT2; RAM 512 KINGMAX TSOP; hard-disk 1 WD 80G with 2 mega buffer+ 1 WD 20 G+ 1 Fujitsu 2G; videocard FX 5200 Daytona.

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