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Does Apex support the STUN protocol?

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I was talking to my brother and he tested the STUN protocol implemented in GAIM and I sent him a file even though he is behind a NAT. I was wondering if Apex supports this protocol or could potentially support it? If so, could it be worked into a future version? Here's a link to what STUN is.



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  bebo189 said:
I was talking to my brother and he tested the STUN protocol implemented in GAIM and I sent him a file even though he is behind a NAT. I was wondering if Apex supports this protocol or could potentially support it? If so, could it be worked into a future version? Here's a link to what STUN is.

Great Idea. however, knowing Net Protocols, such as UDP, I can see a WORLD of problems with it. UDP is a connectionless protocol, simply put, it does not verify packet data, nor does it have the info built in. Therefore theoritically its quicker, but if it fails, it doesnt know it. Thats why TCP is still used so often, especially with file transfers. The risk of corruption, would be far greater.. Good idea yes, using UDP, probably not.

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Yeah, Sidetrack, I agree with you... UDP tranfers will bring us plenty of problems :)

But, browsing STUN'S Wiki Page a little bit more, you can find at the bottom the following: STUNT - STUN and TCP too, which extends STUN to include TCP functionality

Maybe supporting it will permit NAT users to have better transfer speeds and connectivity... I don't know how difficult it would be to implemented, but, anyway, it's a good sugestion...

Please read:

STUNT'S Protocol page

STUNT'S Forums

Anyway, bebo189, it's a pretty cool suggestion :) :)

Let's wait for Crise and see what he has to tell us about this :)



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STUN is not really that usefull with dc++. it can not open ports on your firewall and would only be usefull for getting your external ip address. In fact the way that apex gets the external IP address could be said to be a sloppy implementation of tcp stun.

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I thought it would be useful because some users, even when you explain to them how to setup everything, including nat, firewalls and etc, they still mess the whole thing up...

So, considering that bebo189 said he could exchange files with a NAT'ed friend, this protocol could make an "automatic" setup for those users in order to allow them share files across the internet.

I'm not disconsidering Crise's solution to get external IP addresses, just trying to make things easier to newer ApexDC++ users.

Sorry if i misunderstood this... :)


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