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About Ace2

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  1. please help with dc++

    I need help with my dc++ Im using client zion++ it was working perfect then yesterday it just stopped working properly. I start dc++ with zion the hubs connect right away then about 1-2 mins afterwards it says "An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine." and all the hubs im connected to are disconnected. I also had tried using DC++ 0674 and i get the same problem. Is there a problem with my router or is it software in my computer causing this? if its the router can someone tell me the url to go to for router 2Wire thanks
  2. help wih raws

    i am getting so confused with making raws for verlihub we switched from ynhub to verlihub and now i got to make new raws for zion++ can anyone help me? what i need is a timed kick raw for illegal files. something that will be posted with the reason in the op-chat i even tried manuelly kicking by !kick <nick> <reason _ban_time> and even that gets screwed up by perm banning. thanks in advance