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Everything posted by TT99

  1. Is there anything I could do about it? Can ApexDC appear as DC++?
  2. ApexDC is banned from my favorite hubs

    So why don't you emulate an earlier version that is more widely accepted? Regards, TT
  3. ApexDC is banned from my favorite hubs

    All settings were the same in the stable and beta versions. The beta version was rejected and the stable version was accepted. So it seems that emulation in the the new version is not correct.
  4. ApexDC is banned from my favorite hubs

    Emulations works fine on the older version of ApexDC. Is it a bug of the beta version?
  5. ApexDC is banned from my favorite hubs

    Thanks but it did not help. I switched off all limits but still getting the following: +++++++++++ [16:18:40] *** Connecting to [16:18:40] *** Connected [16:18:41] <hEaD_gArDnEr> YnHub version: 1.033 produced by Yoshi and Nev. [16:18:41] <hEaD_gArDnEr> Your client is banned from this hub by YnHub GUI because: please upgrade your client to one available at [16:18:41] *** Connecting to [16:18:42] *** No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.