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Posts posted by balder

  1. i dont use external drives but i do use network drives and i gusse that it is simlar. from memory if the drive is not connected it is not included. however if i then connect to the drive -> add it back in my share -> and do /refresh my shares is refreshed almost imediatly. I think that crise has previouls said that the hash is kept so when you /refresh it dosn't need rehash.

    are you suggesting something different to this. if so i would probably be intrested i constintly loos my net map's

  2. did they get apex from an official source

    what hub is this happening in

    has this been happening since the started using apex

    get him to run this program and pm the results. DO NOT post in this forum this is not pc support im just fealling nice :)

  3. please dont add a web browser. for start you will almost certanly end up using MSIE engine and im not even going to start on that little gripe. Apex is not a web browser! next youll get requests to intergrate a medis player, pdf reader (actukky pdf reader may be good) and all sorts of other crap wich will just blote the client. for christ sake just open up firefox is that really too hard. its early and there the only two points i can think of but just dont do it it would be a sh!t feature.

  4. lol

    just so other people know. if you loose your faviourte hub password oben the file C:\Program Files\ApexDC++\Settings\Favorites.xml and you should be able to find your missing password :blushing:

  5. well im going to try and stay out of this one and leave it to BM, Lee and crise. however (he says bringing himself into the conversation damm!)

    Maybe you'll at least post a changelog
    i think this could be a good idea. a changelog of all of the betas so people can at least no whats comming. but at the same time progress could probably be checked at the dev page

    Furthermore, you're developing another client and I'm not asking you to open your cvs or public more betas. So you may sleep easily.

    as Apex is based on SDC. if Apex opened its svn then we would only be able to work on the latest public release of SDC. currently (i think) BM graciously gives the apex dev team access to more recent vertions of the src then the ones which are public. so any case you make will be a case that either you or the apex team would have to make to BM.

  6. most apps that select random ports will select them in the range >=1024 <=65535. this means that there are 64512 ports for the program to guess. the likly hood of them both gettnig say port 1411 would be (1/64512)*(1/64512)=(1/4161798144). (you can correct my math now :)). however owing to the birthday paradox if you have more applications then two choosing random ports the probability of 2 programms picking the same port will start to become expenetialy lower.

    About birthdays: There is not any paradox. Your birthday = ~ 9 months from... you guess. :D And as we put things so, the sexual activity is not evenly distributed through the year, so just the base is not 365 days :D

    the paradox is a probability paradox. not a statistical groupings one. the paradox is better observed in its application at finding hash collitions known as a birthday attack. however i suspect you where just being facetious so ill let you off :)

    Sorry if this is slightly "Adult Only". Please read it when you reach 18+/21+ years according to your country regulations.

    Yes, I was semi facetious, but also semi-serious. Anyway, the first formula in Birthday Attack article cause a major memory leakage in my brain. My point was that, f. ex. in UK, 30% of the teenagers... guess again (results of a survey). Further it means that there is spontaneous attraction, which is more likely to appear during the warmer part of the year (less clothes, more going out, no school, etc.). So I will be really interested if smo can dig out the interval with most birthday coincidences. smile.gif If this period is X:Y, I'm pretty sure that X:Y - 9 months ~ May:August

    Thought id take this off topic.

    i just wanted to say that i agree with you. there will be a larger density of people born around febuary, macrh and april due to the somer and it wouldn' t suprise me if there was also a density around september and october due to the festive christmas period.

    the birthday paradox is a mathimatical one and assumes birthdays will be distributed evernly accross all days. which you have correctly pointed out is not the case. hell i didn't come up with the idea of proving this paradox with birthdays :P.

  7. if you are really bored you code modify the emperical test at the bottom of that link to calculate how many programms need to be run before a collition will happen.
    well yes i was really bord so here it is as a python script

    >>> ports = 64512.0
    >>> prob = 0.0
    >>> progs = 1.0
    >>> while prob < 0.5:
    ...  prob = 1.0 - ((1.0 - prob) * (1.0-((progs-1.0)/ports)))
    ...  print "progs ", progs, " prob ", prob
    ...  progs = progs + 1

    the answer was a suprisingly low and round number of 300. that is, you would need to have 300 programms choosing random ports before you would have 2 programms that chose the same port.

    I bet that one day we will spend a whole lotta time on some support request concerning active mode, just because this is so unlikely
    I agree.

    --OFF in regard to your off topic point. the paradox is a probability paradox. not a statistical groupings one. the paradox is better observed in its application at finding hash collitions known as a birthday attack. however i suspect you where just being facetious so ill let you off ;)--OFF

  8. hello Xombie, and welcome.

    Not sure if i got all of what you were saying but it sounds like you wont different connection settings on the hub level. this seems a little strange. if you can run in active mode you should run in active for all hubs. with that said this guide should be able to help you with you IP address changing all of the time. however it is also worth mentioning that in the next release the ip checker in the connection setings will get your external IP address.

  9. most apps that select random ports will select them in the range >=1024 <=65535. this means that there are 64512 ports for the program to guess. the likly hood of them both gettnig say port 1411 would be (1/64512)*(1/64512)=(1/4161798144). (you can correct my math now ;)). however owing to the birthday paradox if you have more applications then two choosing random ports the probability of 2 programms picking the same port will start to become expenetialy lower.

    if you are really bored you code modify the emperical test at the bottom of that link to calculate how many programms need to be run before a collition will happen.