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About balder

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    AKA [Linux-Admin]Cheers
  • Birthday 01/15/81

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    Bath, UK

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  1. blog 2.0 Development: Mac OS X

    I would like to echo Lee's comments and say this is a great achievement I have been with apexdc++ (peerweb++) probably since about the time of it inception or not long after. In my time i have been in the support forums, tester, donator and also naively tried to do some of the dev at one point. I was also one of the members always actively pushing for a linux client. That was until the time the the project managed to make some leg-way in developing a linux client, when i unfortunately dropped of the planet. Over the years lee has asked me to get involved again and i have stopped by made some promises and vanished again. I guess one of the reason this was easy to do was because the project was moving on very well without me. Then a few months back possibly the end of last year lee came to me with a working linux client (beta), i was excited but when i got it i realised i still had no where to run it, my linux machine is pretty much headless and i now have a mac. That said i did test it out and was impressed. it was on my list of things to work on. Then lee sent me the following So yes i have now managed after many years to run apexdc on my laptop with a gui*. It is nice to be back and any mac users will be lucky o get a chance to test this. Thanks Lee, Crise, Gevorg and anyone else that has helped make this happen. *for anyone interested im using ncdc on my server but it dose not support segmented downloading . its ncurses but if you run irssi you might be interested in ncdc.
  2. Run ApexDC through Proxy

    this wiki article gives a high level view of the differences. in relation to having an active connection over a proxy server, it would be possible by setting up a reverse socks proxy however you will still need to open the port the socks proxy is listening on. so one has to ask if you have enough control to pat the proxy port why not just pat the trafic directly to your machine. What im sayig is people genreally use proxies because they have no control over the firewall policy i.e. uni. to get DC to work in active mode you need to be able to update the firewall rule base weather using a proxy or not. The only benefit i could see of using a proxy would be to try and create a load balancing dc client. could be interesting to see if this has been done. proxy all Get and (U)Get(Z)Block commands to one or more backed servers with shared storage. this could be split between you sending and receiving a get to split up/download and all other commands to your laptop. this would allow you to have a server to do actual up and down load and a client to do seraching and chating. wonder if anyone has done something like this before
  3. We're porting to Linux: and paying!

    In an attempt to move this on to something a bit more relevent and away from the school yard politics. * is there a public cvs/svn/git repositry for apex i havn't been able to find it if there is. if there is which modules/projects (sorry dont know the correct teminolagy) represnt the core. - if not would it be possible to make a tar file which only contains the stuff that you consider core? * correct me if im wrong but im gussing one of the first steps is to move away from vcproject files and move to make/gmake/(s)cons for both windows and linux * has any effort been made to get the windows source building in minGW - if not this should probably be the first step should it not? * any modifications to the windows still needs to compile in windows and linux with no further mdifications? - any one got recomendations on this eg #ifdef statments? Ok so I am not a programmer, i can hack code and script. I genreally use vi which should give you an impretion of the size of things im use to working on. dont waste your breath on flaming me. if i have made a statment that is incorrect then correct me and move on. im big enough and stupid enough to listen to corrections. Other than that lets get thes questions answered because at this stage i think they are more important than what gui should be used.
  4. startup.lua

    link to the above was dead so have attached a copy of libsimplepickle.lua. also added a copy of startup.lua will just need to change the extension from txt to lua libsimplepickle.txt Startup.txt
  5. ApexDC for external HDDs

    the submit a patch
  6. ApexDC for external HDDs

    I doubt this has changed so
  7. We are now hiring

    Wow this is great news, you guys have obviously moved on leaps and bounds since i was last around. I read the post on OpenCandy sounds like a good idea especially if it has allowed you to to make offer like this. I will have to install things and start been active again. I know its been a few years but i'm sure ill be able to offer something. Good to see you all doing so well. Congrats :D
  8. Logging Explained

    ok so i have been away from apex for a long time so the below is dealing with ssl not apex. hopefully it will give guiedn's to orthers not sure if apex will automaticly use TLS. however ssl. when you connect to a client they present you there pulilc cert and you, yours to them. if you trust each other you exchange session keys for in-going and out-going connections. you encypt a packer with your partners public key and vice versa. only the private key is able to decrypt the packet. the contence of this packet is used then used as a Symmetric-key to encypt the [ssl] tunnel Again not sure what options Apex has but you can disable trust in ssl. just let your contac present there public cert and automaticly trust it. however this automaticly undermins the majority of the security presented by ssl. if somone has access to you traffic then the can do a man in the middle attack on you. if you trust anything you wont know. if someone is trying to snif at your traffic they already have the access to do this so why encypt if you trust anyone? that said it depends on how you are blocking. Although it is theoreticly possible that an isp will MIM every dc++ ssl connection it is unlikly, therefore if you simply want to hide your traffic form the logs it is better to trust everyone, just remeber it is not "secure" file name shouldn't matter it should use the CN of the cert download wireshark could have saved some time if i read this post befor answering the other At a gusse i would say the name doesn't matter. DC will read all files and use the DN as an identifier. but it is a gusse, if chris can't answer this the dc++ forums are probly your best bet
  9. sorry to drag up an old post but are there any cli options
  10. How to hide my IP address while at a site?

    if you want to hide your ip address you will need to go to an anonymous proxy of some type. An onion network would be best look up Tor. however your bandwith will take a hit. most people dont hide there address and connect directly.
  11. Minimum search interval

    if you dont have it enabled i could root you with a tenth of the effort compared to if it is enabled. the following article explains seom of the vunribilities introduced by reducing this feauture And before anyones ays i know this requieres an admin user but UAC is designed because most windows users run as admin
  12. choose network interface for browser

    not sure waht your asking. Do you wany your browser to bind to a specifi address. browsers normally bind to all addresses and then use your routing table to decide where to send traffic. this is by design. for exsample my PC has two nics and 0.2 is my internet connection 1.2 is my lan connection. i have a website on, if i bound my browser to the internet (0.2) interface i would not be able to visit the web site on 1.2 because there would be no route. Anyway long story short im pretty sure its not possible but if you could explain a bit more it may help
  13. ApexDC++ Official Support Hub - Discussion

    scroll up about seven posts
  14. Plugins

    hi s2k, just wanted to make a pasing coment and hope you dont take offence. so i will start by saying thankyou for showing atention and ofering to help. what i wanted to say is that it would be benifitial if you could offer solutions to your questions. from what you have writen it suggests you know what ou are talking about. if instead of the following you said something like this will enable the dev team or posibly others intrested in a simlar feature to implment it much easier. i gusse what im saying is plugins are a developer feature and as such its expected to get requests from developers and that these requests should be constructed in the afformentioned manner. im not sure i may be speeking out of turn but either way if you can do the above it will help. i think that as developers you should understand the dev process and know that some features get more atenetion then others. i kow that if i was tech architecture for apex i would hope that the plugins side of a projected woud get active support from it devs. i.e. if the plugin api is not good enough send a patch. anyway as i said i hope i haven't offended and apreciated your assistance
  15. Linux Project Development

    sorry. im incredibbly lame. i will try to test the latest source over the next few days. is the latest source still on sourceforge