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Everything posted by ziddey

  1. I'm not sure if this belongs in the bugs section since it might just be a setting that I'm not setting right. I've noticed this behavior both in 1.0.0b4 as well as the current build. Under export mode, it's set to autorefresh every 20 minutes. And it does scan and hash any new files. However, the actual file list doesn't seem to get automatically updated. I still need to hit ctrl+e or choose refresh file list from the file dropdown in order for them to show up. This is problematic since I have a method of allowing users on the hub to use me to download fresh content via usenet or other sources without the need for me to be there. However, if the files can't automatically show up, it's a little moot. Just curious if there's anything I'm overlooking? Pretty normal setup here. Just XP
  2. need to manually refresh list to update it?

    The option will not work. That said, I've always had it checked anyway. It only applies to files downloaded via dc++ being immediately reshared. But my problem is with files that I download from an external means, such as torrent or usenet, or what have you.
  3. need to manually refresh list to update it?

    Thanks That's what I've been trying to say. I'd have no problem setting refresh interval to 1 minute if it'd mean the list would get updated every 2. But as it is, the scenario is that I have both a connection to the school campus vs wireless as well as cable internet. The school is metered, so I give access to the campus to download things from usenet through me. The files that get downloaded will hash at the intervals but the file list never ever refreshes unless I actually do a ctrl+e manually. So it makes it so that I have to be there to make it so they can download.
  4. need to manually refresh list to update it?

    Thanks. It's not so much the size it reports that matters. It's the fact that no files will actually enter the filelist and be searchable until I manually do a ctrl+e. It'll register in the log as having all files hashed. Hitting ctrl+e manually doesn't make it rehash, but it does make it actually shared.