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Everything posted by palex10

  1. ApexDC++ with 2 external addresses

    I posted the above hoping I missed something in my attempt to configure the ApexDC++ to use 2 WANs. Manually entering the address works fine and even exceeds my expectations. The WAN I want to use with ApexDC++ is a PPPoE connection that has a bad habit of disconnect and then reconnect at irregular intervals. I don't know if it is router or ISP. After such events I end up with a new IP. So, I was forced to use DDNS in my router and hoping that ApexDC++ will take notice about the IP change. And it did. I made a test and it worked very well. With over 20 hubs opened I disconnected the PPPoE and then reconnected and all the hubs were up again in less than 5 min.
  2. ApexDC++ with 2 external addresses

    Hello, I have an Asus RX3042H router. It has 2 WAN and I use both with 2 ISP. One connection is DCHP and the other is PPPoE. Is there any chance of using both connections with a single instance of ApexDC++? I noticed that there is no option for using 2 external IPs. Failing in the attempt of using 2 WANs with ApexDC++ I reconsidered my Internet access. I activated load balance in the router with 100% of the outgoing connections on WAN2 except HTTP and HTTPS which is set to overule load balancing and go out through WAN1. But after I activate in ACL ( access control list ) that HTTP port should be routed only trough WAN1 and I start ApexDC++ I get only the address of the WAN1 when I use "Get address". So, ApexDC++ uses port 80 to obtain the external address which is to be used? I used ApexDC++ 1.1.0. Alexandru Petrescu