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Posts posted by MikeS

  1. Well if you close it and open it again it will disable itself I'm sure.

    It did, as I already posted. It also didn't take long to figure out how to get it running again.

    To me, when you accept a public beta, you are accepting that the software may contain undiscovered bugs, not limits on its use just because it's called "beta" or a promise to use any particular beta version. A good citizen will try them and report bugs, which I do.

    I've run betas that work for years. Linksys router firmware and Nvidia video drivers are good examples of companies that put out a lot of betas, some of which work well and get used long term. It simply means it isn't well tried and tested.

  2. We'll take note of this and consider something in the future (possible delay until the update is forced).

    How about re-enabling B4 until B5 stabilizes more. If there's some way that B4 harms the network, let's hear details so we know why we have to go back to 0.4.0.

  3. cFos is the king of packages, it lets you manage how the packets are managed on your connection so when your downloading flat out on DC it dont put everything else to a crawl.

    Oh, cool. Everyone running P2P should have some kind of QoS. I have Tomato in my router which does a good job of that. It doesn't give me individual user speeds or when they will finish, though.

  4. Well, I have the mentioned B5 speed bug too. Have you tried to disable update check immediately after start and restart?

    There's no way to do it in the GUI. You can turn off notification but that just disables the program completely as it now just errors out immediately on load instead of after the notification. It takes an xml edit to put it back.

    But where there's a will, there's a way. If anyone knows how to disable the update check, email me.

    Anyways, why worry about what speed people are getting off you?

    Also, use cFos and it will always give correct speeds.

    Well I just like to know for one thing, and it's nice to have some idea of when an upload will finish for another. Yes, I know you can't rely on it for various reasons but it usually gave a fairly good estimation. Not any more.

    What's cFos?

  5. I've searched for some mention of this and can't find any.

    When I run beta 4, it checks for a new version, notifies me, puts up an error saying "Bad ApexDC++ version" and something about "your version has a serious bug" and then closes the whole program.

    What's the deal? I had no problems with B4 and do have problems with B5, one of the most annoying of which is that it incorrectly reports upload speeds, especially if low.