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Posts posted by Sergeo7

  1. It's only racial discrimative if thats the way you look at it. Why does everyone have to look at the bad in everything. Can't you just give a compliment that the Management team is trying to do something to better bug reports and such. No, instead you wanna go on about how you think they are being racial because THEY setup THEIR board the way THEY wanted it and NOT how YOU think it should be.

    And I wonder why doesn't everyone have a sense of humor?!

  2. I think it'll be better to move english topics from Support subforum to English subforum and move it with other language-dependent subforums from World Languages to Support's root.

    It looks like racial discrimination to click one more link for getting to them. :whistling: :D

  3. Since if we produce too many workarounds, it will end up in some cluttered up client... and ISPs will do what they want, we will be in the position to be called "damn leechers", etc... Resistance is the key. :)
    Damn right ^___^. Devil is in the details. Instead of easy way of changing yourself one must change the world.

  4. I know that removing of optimization routine is a dirty hack but in present time I see no other way to compile code as x64 executable.

    PS: By the way are intrinsic functions from latest VS really slow down the code? As I see from the headers they use SSE too.

  5. По сути надо добавить заголовок memory.h, закоментировать в stdinc.h оптимизатор memcpy_amd.h и блок:

    #undef memcpy
    #define memcpy memcpy2
    #undef memset
    #define memset memset2
    #undef memzero
    #define memzero memzero2
    Но т.к. стандартной memzero нет, её надо будет переписать через стандартную memset. И затем переопределить memcpy2, memset2 и memzero2 как:
    #define memcpy2 memcpy
    #define memset2 memset
    #define memzero2 memzero

    Если что-то из этого не понятно - лучше забить на компиляцию под 64 бит.

  6. This way IMHO would be the best:

    1. Describe what is active and passive.

    2. Ask for what kind of activity client will be used, if user behind router and if user have external (non NAT) IP (disabled if lan-only selected).

    3. Show dialog for mode selection (like in hub properties) then...

    4. If it's lan-only, set active mode by default or if user behind router set passive and suggest faq on setting up active mode behind router.

    5. If it's wan-only, set passive mode by defaul and if user have have external (non NAT) IP place button/link near it's inputbox to test it. If test will not fail set active by default.

    6. If it's lan/wan, set active by default, if user have router set passive and suggest as in 4.; if external IP test failed just suggest to set passive mode for all external hubs.

  7. This option is totally lacks in descriptiveness - maybe rename it to "Enable files pre-allocation"? :)

    PS: But I still think sparse files are better, because if this option enabled, actual filesize reported by OS at the begining of download is zero and there is no way to watch over required space. Sparse files, instead, use filesystem means of file definition and filesize reported as is, even when file is empty and takes no harddisk space.

  8. Это кстати баг форума.. опера и лисичка реагируют на метатег <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> и ставят кодировку iso-8859-1, хотя на самом деле тут windows-1251.

  9. Вкратце о компиляции вообще.

    Необходимые пакеты:

    - Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Team Suite скачать

    - Пропатченый WTL 8 (можно обычный, но придётся править код) скачать

    - STLport 5.1 или новее скачать

    - Windows Media Player 9 SDK скачать

    - Microsoft Platform SDK (или отдельно поискать файл natupnp.h) скачать

    - DirectX SDK февраль 2007 или новее скачать

    - Visual Leak Detector скачать

    - Собственно, исходники ApexDC скачать

    Из настроек: нужно чтобы все include и lib каталоги SDK были прописаны в VS, причём stlport должен быть наверху списка; cтарые версии Windows SDK юзать нежелательно.

    Батник для компиляции stlport:

    @echo off

    cd build\lib

    call "c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat"

    call configure.bat -c msvc8

    nmake /fmsvc.mak

    nmake /fmsvc.mak install

  10. But on the other hand you can't temporary save big file on 'almost full' disk even if physically downloaded just 10% of that 60Gb. So if download isn't fast preallocated space will be a waste of resources needed just to ensure that you'll have required space in the end (as long as target and temporary dirs on the same logical drive).

  11. What kind of problem do you mean? Is it psychological, like when user see file already occupy "full size", but real space still decreases?

    For test I had added this function to build and see no technical problems at all. File class just throw FileException when disk is full, but when I freed some space download normally resumed.