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Posts posted by Zlobomir

  1. afaik it was discussed already, can not remember what Crise decided tho. But it will not be too complicated, neither resource-eating (maybe just a timer on the already existing "Get external IP" button). It is worth to have, but imo not top priority, since there are third-party apps (f. ex. the DUC client), which will work for all your active apps when IP changes, while Apex updater probably won't help for the other apps.

  2. @spaljeni - I am not sure whether the protocol allows such speed distribution between slots (at least with a reasonable amount of code).

    @AcidStew - Actually isn't the "slot ratio" feature what U are looking for? It is already implemented. Sorry if I look stupid by asking this, at least it is not intentional.

  3. Calm down, both of you! Make :wub: , not :) ! :P:D

    As per the topic, I do think that a fancier package will be nice to have, but I am not sure whether we can afford the resource drain for it (not only time but also tech)

  4. Наистина е необходим малък наръчник, но най-общо, след настройка на RAW командите, във Fake Detector се правят нещо като шорткъти, и накрая шорткътите се задействат с настройка във Favorite Hubs. След малко опити ще се ориентираш, не е трудно. Вече имаш RAW, което е най-сложната част.

  5. Any change in download directories? Do you have those items in your Download Queue? If so, remove them, or CAREFULLY edit your Queue.xml. If you do not have pending downloads, you can even wipe it out.

  6. So as a hub owner I am a fool. Maybe that's why the eMule, w/o fool-proofing, can be used by fools. :-P Actually it can be solved quite easy - if Apex detects that the hub and PC's IPs are respectively a.b.c.y and a.b.c.z, obviously this is a LAN environment, so restrictions could be less.


    True, but most lans do use the ip ranges 10.x.x.x , 172.16.x.x - 172.31.x.x , 192.168.x.x


    Idea :P Also, maybe it is reasonable to enter in a box somewhere in the client, the LAN's range, say Then restrictions could "fall" automatically for all connected hubs in this range. Cheating might be avoided by a speed test to hub/checking hops no.?

  7. Mine is on Yn too, but I've heard that HexHub is with superior security. Have even ran it for a test, nothing too scary in settings.

  8. hello

    I need testers.

    http://vivliofika.narod.ru/get_ip/get_ip4_main.bat must show your network adapter's IP (IPs if few adapters)

    if doesn't work

    http://vivliofika.narod.ru/get_ip/_if_error.bat and send me the dump, please :crying:

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    for both. Maybe I was too fast.

    Sorry Olorin, no other way to contact you. Please setup your profile. And post below after you read this, so Greg could delete it.

  9. Hello,

    Welcome aboard! Here is the format I think you are looking for:

    [dcurl=dchub://glx.hopto.org:412]The Galaxy Hub[/dcurl]

    Feel free to ask if there is anything unclear.