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Everything posted by Zlobomir

  1. A bigger chat message box

    I meant character counter X for the characters typed in the box, assuming you remember the limit in the particular hub. And (if hub sends back character limit (Z) ) another counter Y=Z-X=chars remaining...
  2. Different shares for different hubs

    And there still be the irritating message: "Another instance of Apex DC++ is running. Are you (f*) sure?" It is the only reason for me to use different clients.
  3. Failed to connect on TCP

    Please look at: http://forums.apexdc.net/index.php?showtopic=190
  4. Different shares for different hubs

    [quote name='logi
  5. A bigger chat message box

    This gives me the idea of putting a "character counter" and, if possible, a message "Max chars reached" before Enter is pressed. But the size of writing box has nothing to do with "cut due length". In smaller box even the possibility not to see the "extra" characters increases. Maybe the arrows could appear automatically if the message is consisting of 2+ lines?
  6. tell us who you are

    name/nick(s): Zlobomir, Invader, CATAHATA (in CAPS means SATAN on BG, cyr - lat joke . The same is the reason most BGs to use cyrilizating progs that replace the code table of Win and it is even worse. They just one to change cyr-lat with only Ctrl key. NM, too off-topic) gender : male age: 23 (august 23th, 1982) country: Western Bulgaria zodiac sign: Leo hobby's : computers, a little writing (who has not tried? ); reading occasionally (only good books , Karl Mai , Terry Pratchet, etc. on DC since: unsure As this is some cultural exchange, below is the Bulgarian alphabet. It is a deed of two Bulgarians - St. Konstantin Kiril Filosof and his brother Metodii. Our alphabet's holiday is tomorrow, what a better time. (currently their place of birth lies outside BG borders, but this will probably open a useless discussion about who-has-been-where and who-has-the-right-over-what). Still, it could be said they "used as SOME basis" the Greek alphabet... Еnough, here it is, in case smo is interested: Аа A Бб B Вв V Гг G Дд D Ее E Жж J Зз Z Ии I Йй Short I Кк K Лл L Мм M Нн N Оо O Пп P Рр R Сс S Тт T Уу U Фф F Хх H Цц C Чч CH Шш SH Щщ SHT Ьь Special io (in шофьор f. ex., but if start or after vowel йо Йордан, район) Юю IU (Pronounced as hard "YOU") Яя IA (Near to German "Ya" )
  7. Search not working

    Maybe your firewall blocks the program executable, not the port? Or you start PWDC++ after the "regular dc++", so the port is already taken?
  8. Another Screen Shot

    Здравствуй aninerbe, Напиши пожалуйста твои предложения, я понимаю Русский хорошее чем говорю и пишу (основнии проблем является падежами ). Для меня будеть удоволствие переводить. В последнее время я слишьком занятой, но пробовать входить здесь каждый ден. Для/for Lee only: In short - I will translate, I' a little busy now, but will try to be here each day. And don't ask for a full translation of the above again. Use a translating program. :unsure:
  9. Different shares for different hubs

    But until there is not a new client supporting this, these conservative users and OP's will not make the switch. And as we are planning also a new OP version of Apex DC++, this could be the chance to win the user's and OP's p references. Each change must be initiated by smth...
  10. HTTP & FTP Multi-sourcing

    It will not be smth unusual or ugly on the GUI, so why not to have it as extra?
  11. Search not working

    Could you provide more info about your network? Do you have some firewall, router or other device, which could block the traffic? Try to use one and the same port for TCP and UDP, and this port must not be used by another application/service. The "Test ports" button works already, at least on mine PC. Do you pass the test successfully?
  12. Show us your desktop

    The simpler - The faster - The better :)
  13. Zion ++ project stopped, p2p banned in France altogether?

    I fully agree with Lost Angel - the legal system is to be changed, because at least currently there is NOT anonymity in the Internet. I wish it was not so, but seems that things are not developing in this direction (ectp is still not ready, etc.). And banning P2P is like burning up people for pretending the Earth is a globe. I pay my I-net fee to a licensed provider (it is not even my obligation to check its license), my buddy pays his/hers I-net fee, so??? One might say "Yeah, but I-net is just for chat and similar activities." Well, what's the difference if I cut off my I-net access and buy fuel with the money, then physically move to the peer with the whole PC? Same is with books and copiers. So when a law is stupid (ineffective), it should be canceled, even if there is some truth in it. But I'm afraid that the discussion is moving in closed circle (not without my help). :)
  14. A bigger chat message box

    It will be visible, if there is "max. lines" option, i. e. if you give value 5, it will change from 1-5 depending on the content, but never over 5 lines... :)
  15. A bigger chat message box

    Sorry for being so distracted. Although the place where you read is not less important than the place you type. OK, so "Maximum chat-type rows" like "Maximum tabs rows"? Or a user-defined (fixed) number?
  16. A bigger chat message box

    Why not just "Remember chat window size" and "Apply one size for all hubs" as its suboption in Settings?
  17. When will ApexDC++ be released?

    Hi again, 1. http://discussions.hardwarecentral.com/sho...ad.php?t=168162 But in your case I suspect it's just the CD\DVD is f*cked off, or the ribbon cable, or at most their IDE channel. If possible, try replacing the ribbon cable, examine visually the pins on the MB and on the devices, change the ide channel (but if possible avoid connecting the system HDD or HDD at all to the checked one, because the data will be written in wrong way, if this is the reason). Are you getting this error with many CD/DVD media, or you are trying with just one disk? 2. What about VGA and BIOS? Any signals from the MB speaker? If so, consult the manual/Google what they mean. Good luck! :blushing:
  18. HELP!

    He probably wanted to say: :blushing: For Win XP: 1. Open Start\Run... 2. Type regedit 3. Click OK (or hit ENTER key) 4. In the left pane, browse to the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>>Software>>Microsoft>>Windows>>Current Version>>Run. On the right, you shold see some REG_SZ type entries. 5. Right-click in the right pane, New>>String value. 6. Name it as you like, then again Right-click>>Modify 7. Type the whole path + the *.exe of the desired program. You can also copy the path from the Win Explorer Address bar and add "\*.exe", where *=program's exe. 8. Repeat step 3. That's all. :)
  19. When will ApexDC++ be released?

    Already OK? Need some HW support? :blushing:
  20. How evil are you?

    Well, as with the previos blogs, I do not understand all, seems mostly besause of some customs/habits differences. If smo wishes, pls to explain below. I have marked with "?" the unclear things. Hope that it will be useful not only for me. The full list is below in case smo else needs explanation on another questions... * You've broken the law * You've looked at nudie pics online * You've secretly wished someone harm * You've kissed someone you shouldn't be kissing * You've said something so mean it made someone cry * You've done illegal drugs * You've killed a bug * You've spit in someone's drink * You've sought revenge on someone * You've made a prank phone call * You've turned people against someone * You've illegally downloaded music online * You've flirted with someone to make someone else jealous * You've told racist / sexist jokes * You've called someone the "c" word ? * You've made a promise you knew you were going to break * You've done the "walk of shame" ? * You've corrupted a minor ? * You've divulged someone's dark secret * You've made fun of a retarded person * You've cheated on a test... or a lover * You don't believe in God * You hate kids * You've gotten in a fist fight ? (define fist fight) * You made someone's life hell in school * You've shoplifted or stolen from someone * You've been so drunk you couldn't remember the night before * You've vandalized someone's car or house * You've made fun of a fat person * You have a fondness for disturbing pictures / anime * You've blamed a fart on someone else * You enjoy setting things on fire * You've been arrested * You've secretly backstabbed a friend * You would choose your life over the lives of 100,000 strangers * You would kill for 1,000,000 if you were guaranteed not to get caught * You've harmed yourself to get attention * You have a nemesis * You believe in an eye for an eye... or even more for an eye * You don't think lying to a stranger is a big deal * You think giving to the homeless is wasting money * You'll pick evil over stupid any day * You aren't bothered by seeing others in pain * You'd rather have world domination than world peace * You enjoy very violent video games * You are disgusted by weak people * You would keep a wallet full if cash if it came your way * You rather harm an enemy than help a friend * You've shot a gun... and liked it * You'd rather be a supervillian than a superhero
  21. First, I am sorry if this is available in some way, I'm only a human and thus making mistakes... So, imagine you have shared some folder for your friend. In the Upload Queue you see all the files you have uploaded to his/her nick, but you have to calculate, if you want to compare the "sent" size to the size shown when you explore the folder on your PC. So I'm thinking about a tiny option like selecting the sent files (it is easy to arrange them by the "Nick" column) and then a menu in the right-click menu like "Show total size". Maybe it is good to let the user define somewhere in Settings the preferable units - bytes, MB, GB? So you don't have to contact the other party to ensure that its Down Queue is empty, before deleting or moving the data...
  22. Sharelist Problem

    ...or booting up with some live distribution from the CD, supporting your file system (I know it already sounds like a painkiller from my side). Another "brutal" decision is to attach the HDD to another PC. At last, what recovery tool have you used?
  23. Show us your desktop

    RainyShadow, nice to see you here too (again?). Really nice desktop, still I wonder whether the work for it wasn't longer than the Windows installation? :stuart:
  24. block user

    I confirm officially that I HATE these useless crappy commercials too! Do not remember a case, when a bot has given me valuable info (except hub bots, of course).