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Everything posted by Zlobomir

  1. I do not think there is such ability. It should be up to the user anyway. If you are not happy with what smo shares, just increase the "Min share". What if I have 10 HDDs of 300GB and a s*itty connection? Nobody will be able to download anything during our lifetimes. Edit: About the translations - you are welcome, but as we have some already, maybe you prefer to use them as reference? Annoying that I can't find the link.
  2. Reconnect to hub

    ...and earns you a kick + ban...?
  3. I'm happy with that. :D
  4. Well, I personally never had the issue or never mentioned it. Indeed I am exlusively uploading. But I think amp and void (and others before...) are saying the truth, why you are rejecting so desperately? P. S. This post may be useless already, but typed before BM's explanation above. :D
  5. S*rew a feature that could s*rew a download! Let's assume that the user is not a leecher, after he finish Dd there will be two sources, then 4, etc. And with the "feature" all the Dders are s*rewed up. :)
  6. Few things

    About the different share per hub - I'm afraid that for now you should use a new instance/client for each hub. When we move to ADC however thinks may change.
  7. [Support] V. Slow downloads?

    But still, if we present an ADC-ready client software, the hubs are more than likely to appear. I know that there are lots of features waiting, but smo has to do the first step...
  8. [Support][v.0.2.2] Strange emails?

    Oh, in several other topics I ( ) have advised to avoid standard port numbers in settings (like 25, 21, 110, 2121, 23, 80,8080 etc.).
  9. Few things

    Or a /pubstats in a PM to yourself? Unfortunately as I look now, I need my own empty hub in order not to publish that in MC of a live hub.
  10. [Support] V. Slow downloads?

    Sorry, I don't see the screenshot. But my first guess is that your home ISP is blocking your P2P traffic. Please enable "Send garbage on incoming connection to avoid ISP throttling", in File>>Settings>>Advanced, no. 9 and 10 counting down to up in the right pane. If the problem still exists, let us know. P. S.: We don't encourage downloading of copyrighted material. Please do it on your own responsibility and don't post here details about that. :)
  11. Features from fulDC

    Some time before I was fighting for the same, but now for me this can wait until we implement the many "functionality" features, before we start with visuals. :)
  12. Numbered hubs in Public Hubs List

    We all are in the modern world. :thumbsup: Although I bet not all nicks here are equal to the nicks in DC++, nor we all are Favs of each other. But aren't you curious to know how many Fav hubs/users you have on each moment? :)
  13. Is it reasonable to have numbers in Public Hub List? Assuming that you and your friend arrange the list A-Z and the list is one and the same, you could easily point him to certain hub. ^_^
  14. I have a problem

    Ah, DC++, but HTTP-based, I see...
  15. I have a problem

    But why, mIRC is already available...
  16. [Bug?][0.2.2] Network Drives

    This confirms Sidey's words. But interesting whether Apex is relying on Win Explorer for information about the drives... However your config seems very strange for me. If you do not require much power from your Desktop (if you aren't a graphical designer or gamer ), just swap the PCs. The server should be primary connected to the internet, the server should hold most of the storage. But if you like to keep the current config, what I would try: 1. Please see once more the option shown in the attachment below. It should be checked. 2. Please reverse the order in which you turn on the PCs - the PC with the many HDDs IMHO should be started first (and given enough time to load all services) And the simplest lamerish way is to run Apex on the desktop. :stuart: -Off 16+ HDDs - nice Desktop :thumbsup: :w00t: Off-
  17. I have a problem

    Which rules namely?
  18. [Bug?][0.2.2] Network Drives

    Hmm, except that you have particular reasons to have the drives on the desktop (fast connection between HDDs), I would suggest to move the HDDs to the server and run Apex on the server, Internet connected to the server, Desktop connected to the server via second NIC with the crossover cable (i. e. move/add one NIC to the server). A router may also come handy. In this way you can leave the server 24/7 if you like, and still have access to all the content from both PCs. Anyway, on your question in the current case: 1. Are the mapped drives connected at Windows logon? 2. Do you turn on the Desktop before the file server and wait until the Desktop has started the Win services? I remember we have several users here who are using mapped drives, and there are no issues. Advice: It may be good to set your hashing speed somewhere below your LAN speed.
  19. [Support] Segment Block finished, waiting..

    And we thank you for your kind posts. It's a real pleasure for us to help to such a polite users. ^_^
  20. Numbered hubs in Public Hubs List

    Yes, good idea. Sorry for the spend time. Just was thinking that a list needs to be numbered... Maybe still be useful for Favs or Ups/Downs queues?
  21. Numbered hubs in Public Hubs List

    And how much time I should spend until the filter returns only one entry? Any why both of us have to type several characters instead of he only typing 1-6 digits? ^_^
  22. Some requests of a .PDC fan

    Yep, I meant in graphical way. ^_^
  23. [Support][v.0.2.2] Strange emails?

    Or it may be a worm, that has infected Apex DC++?
  24. Some requests of a .PDC fan

    Can't we make like, f. ex., in Firefox? Each button there can be moved/removed.
  25. External IP for direct connect clients

    Yes, but port scanner will make it almost unattended...