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Everything posted by Zlobomir

  1. Ip of user

    Why would you need such particular info? I would accept a question about problematic download, etc.
  2. emulation in quick connect

  3. Even if so, it is not in a place you could check. Relax. :unsure:
  4. 1.0.0B4 crash, merklecheckoutputstream...

    ...and so was merged again and opened, thank you for the honour to do it instead of you. :unsure:
  5. Logan Emo Pack

    New topic you mean, right Lizard? Indeed, but if the emos are OK and put on the Customize page, I do not mind too.
  6. How do I share files?

    @Staff - Moving to Suport? @mluwizi - File>Settings>Sharing, browse and select the directories. Better avoid Windows, Program Files, System Volume Information, i.e do not just add your whole C: drive. It is dangerous for your security, if you do, and could get you a kick in some hubs. After checking all the desired folders press OK, give Apex some time for hashing (View>Indexing Progress or low-left on Apex frame), then type /refresh in mainchat.
  7. Вам необходимо скачивать хотябы с двух source один и тот же файл - согласен, можно также выключить правая кнопка мыши на качаемой файл, внизу чат. Спасибо для майл. Если какие-то проблемы уже существуют, пишите снова пожалуйста.
  8. Hi, Try checking File>Settings>Advanced>Send garbage on incoming conections and Send garbage on outgoing conections as well. But if this does not help, probably there are better ISPs. Problems better be eliminated w/o workarounds.
  9. 2. Спасибо. E-почта сейчас в профиле, zlobomirATbkDOTru 3. In English: This has been reported to the developpers, we are waiting some fix. Notable efforts were made by Excelsium: http://forums.apexdc.net/index.php?showtopic=1435&hl=
  10. Similar to smth I recently posted, maybe the developers will fix it soon. ...maybe not. :unsure:
  11. I'm on the search for a new antivirus

    After trying ClamAV I agree for totally free versions. But as comes to having paid and free versions of one and the same product, I do believe that the free version just requires a bit more maintenance (f. ex. manual update). With such free versions the product is more wide-spread, viruses are reported faster, and updates for these are respectively faster, imo. Of course, the easiest way is to install some big fat expensive bundle, but I do insist that with a bit of craftsmanship and patience one can enjoy an equal, if not even better protection, w/o killing all his CPU/RAM. :)
  12. I'm on the search for a new antivirus

    I thought paidware is off the discussion. If included, I've heard good things of Dr. Web.
  13. Crash [1.0.0B4]

    You have done it? Would have been sweet to inform us, could have saved us (+you) some time. :)
  14. Ban for Dynamic IPs

    /Off And hopefully will meet people like them (?or like us? ) "outside in the nature", thus resulting in a street fight with some educational effect... /Off
  15. I'm on the search for a new antivirus

    I remembered smth I've found not long ago. Please see, try and comment: http://www.comodo.com/products/free_products.html EDIT: Trying the AV, a bit annoying to set, but looks very safe. Already asked for "prompt for action" during "on-access" scan.
  16. Привет, 1. Попробуйте променить настройку File>Settings>Queue>Segment Downloading>Do not begin new segment if overall file speed is over "поставите туда скорость, которая ниже вашая ЛАН скорость". В крайной мере, выключите Мултисорс (File>Settings>Queue>Segment Downloading>Disabled). 2. Этот проблем был сообщен не так давно, кажется также что такие файлы повредены. Заметите и вид клиента из который скачаете, если зависимость существует, будет полезно для нам знать. 3. А вот об програмная ошибка, ето было сообщено уже на авторы прежде, все-таки ждем резултатов. Спасибо для вниманием и извините для мой русский язык и поздный ответ. :)
  17. emulation in quick connect

    I agree with your point, but NEVER underestimate stupidity. We could lose users as well, and frankly I personally will have to think about using no emulation client, if this decreases the no. of hubs I can be.
  18. Ban for Dynamic IPs

    He can't reg 10 accounts, if self reg is disabled. But it is better to work for prevention, i. e. educating users and helping for better netiquette. Unfortunately some users from surten countries, BG not too exclusive, lack the manners for a normal communication. :P
  19. Ну да, пожалуйста. Файл не Exception.log, a exceptioninfo.txt под %Program Files%\ApexDC++\Settings.
  20. emulation in quick connect

    No abuse to anyone, but please remember your first days at PC/DC, I am sure they were like mine. I. e., do not expect TO MUCH from the poor simple newbie user. :P
  21. Grafic bugs/coruption on Win2K

    Yes, this is a known issue, Radox tried some fixes and even different icons, however can't remember was it 100% fixed. But having in mind how old win2k is, and the limitations, which are in the OS, not in the application, I wonder whether it is worth at all to investigate this further. Still, this "bug" is just an uglification and allows normal program operation.
  22. emulation in quick connect

    True, but is it to difficult to be made like option "Emulation default on" and "Emulation default off"?
  23. Client Emulation

    @apexguy - If so, please try to enter the hub with say SDC++ or ApexDC++ 0.3.0, let's see whether it will be captured.
  24. I'm on the search for a new antivirus

    Or Avira? Anyway, AV is not enough. Add to it Spybot and some firewall at least.