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Everything posted by Zlobomir

  1. [Bug]Remove active download in 1.0.0B5

    Have you waited about 2 minutes before restart?
  2. Automattically start Apex on windows start up?

    Maybe one of the things we have to move even to the General page of settings...
  3. ApexDC++ With UPnP

  4. Using temporary sparse files (on NTFS)

    Voted "probably" and don't think it is of top priority, if implemented should be an option (default off).
  5. Speed limit for filelists download

    Well yes, but it will still help for better bandwidth separation and maybe reducing CPU load? The second was my main motive.
  6. Self-desctiptive title, imo limiting the total download speed just of filelist transfers will be useful for OPs.
  7. 1. Идентификационни файлове за adc хъбове. Когато намеря свестен адц хъб за тест, ще мога да разбера и как работят. Подсети ме след време. :-) 2. Блокиране на определен нежелан ИП адрес или ИП адресна зона. При това се блокира и качването, и свалянето към съответния адрес. Сега се работи върху списък, огледален на този на Peer Guardian.
  8. [Crash][1.0.0.b5] reststarted!

    There was a change in SDC somewhere between versions 2.06 and 2.1 in queue management. So do not expect Apex to work either. And there was a note about it, afaik. Better simply install Apex 0.4.0 in a DIFFERENT folder, only for finishing old downloads. Then use 1.0.0B5.
  9. Solved: [not bug] [1.0.0B5]Stuck on Away

    Sorry if this sounds silly, but you surely unpressed the Away button on the toolbar?
  10. green/red light for active/passive

    Nice one :thumbsup:
  11. Code: e06d7363 () (v1.0.0B5)

    Much similar to http://forums.apexdc.net/index.php?showtopic=2133 imo. We need to "unmerkle tree" :thumbsup:
  12. Download probs after upgrade

    ...or just add manually apex to UAC exceptions, if it allows... haven't played with Vista still.
  13. Apex 0.4.0 crashes on startup

    Please upgrade to B5 and let us know the result. Start it clean, without transferring anything.
  14. Plugin API

    Oh stop it! You first propose it yourself, then reject it. :thumbsup: I am not so geeky to defend the idea, but this plugin could relace LUA support?
  15. Download probs after upgrade

    Thank me! :thumbsup:
  16. Remembering recent entries

    Well, it still would require to type one and the same each time? And it is also needed for redirects (sure can be done with LOTS OF user commands), but not comfortable, esp. after you killed the menu. :thumbsup:
  17. Remembering recent entries

    Is it possible to make Apex remember all stuff typed in user commands, like redirect addresses, kick & ban reasons, etc, etc, just like it remembers lines in main chat (Ctrl + Up). If it can be done also by hub and number of entries to keep for each one, will be perfect. Dunno about resources tho... Is it necessary all to be in RAM?
  18. Plugin API

    A question of hubsoft development... And we can even "approve" plugins prior to their use I guess. Like with WHQL, but no bypassing. ;-)
  19. Plugin API

    But client can always report plug-in status and "power" to hub on connect, and the hub could decide whether to allow access?
  20. Download probs after upgrade

    Vista UAC again?
  21. Plugin API

    Umm, in my lamer nature, I think we (ok, you) need to code smth very small, light and universal, which then could be extended by various additional plug-ins (like Skype and Firefox). So, if you just stated this above in a more scientific way :) , just let's melt the barrier between theory and practice and let semi-coders work on it, while you move ahead to the next feature. P. S. I am sure it is operational, from the moment you said "I tried it once and it did not work". I tried my Delphi task maybe over 100 times before it worked. :D
  22. Download probs after upgrade

    Please let us know more about the software environment (at least OS) and the situations when you get the messages. Otherwise we can write out really long and silly.
  23. New ApexDC++ Dock Icon

  24. Linux Project Development

    If it was dead, it should have been deleted. :)
  25. К сожалению (к счастию ) у меня с В5 Хелп - Абаут - Ок вообще не зависает. Возможно у вас открыти много хабов или другие програмы, или просто у компютере нет достаточно ресурсов. Из-за столбцов - кажется неудачно, чем потребители, тем предпочитания. :)