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About mickem

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  1. Hello, Is there way to disable the occasional refresh of the filelist that is performed on startup? The thing is that "some times" when I start ApexDC++ it takes hours to start, and this I think is due to the it refreshing the file-list. It does not happen all the time (I would say 1 in 10 maybe) so it seems to be some form of random action going on. What it does (I think) is refresh the file-list prior to the application launching (when it displays the "loading..." dialog). And this is not very convenient for me as I have hundreds of thousands of files on perl-based filesystem shared over smb. As it is now it probably takes 2-3 hours to start when it is in the "wrong mood". It would be better if it started and did the check after the client is up and running instead of before I think (maybe optionally so). Another thing that would be awesome would be for it to "understand" that the root is offline and only refresh sporadic files below. Now it ia rather problematic when I loose my smb connection it "sees" all files gone and voila it wants to refresh all files before it sees them again. Here it could do a random sporadic check instead and "trust" me to know what I am doing. (If I wanted to fake my share I would do so with other tools so I don't think this is such a big problem really) // MickeM