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About Janizar

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  1. Не работает у меня поиск, все уже перепробовал все равно не работает Раутера у меня нет, обыкновенная выделенка. Firewall я отключил полностью. Пробовал и через Direct connection и Manual port forwarding, ничего не получается. У меня виста стоит английская. Подскажите пожалуйста в чем еще может быть проблема?
  2. Need help

    I tried http://www.canyouseeme.org/ The check is successful, but i still cannot connect to any hubs... :(
  3. Need help

    On the connection checker i get Failed to connect on TCP 1412 Connected on UDP 1412 Partial Connection I also set up dynamic IP with http://www.dyndns.org
  4. Need help

    I tried original DC++ and it gave out this in System log [20:13] TLS disabled, failed to generate certificate: The system cannot find the file specified. [20:13] Failed to load certificate file [20:13] File list refresh initiated [20:13] File list refresh finished [20:13] Failed to create port mappings. Please set up your NAT yourself. Havent tried anything else on this computer
  5. Need help

    I tried waiting forever and nothing happens except sometimes i get redirected and same happens again Sometimes i also get welcome messages but thats as far as it goes Once i got message something like 'You have been banned because you are blocking upload'
  6. Need help

    I cant connect to any hubs, not even techgeek These are the messages i receive: [17:48:32] *** Connecting to techgeeks.geekgalaxy.com:1411... [17:48:33] *** Connected [17:48:36] <